
How soon can I exercise after having a wisdom tooth extracted?

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I workout a lot (typically twice a day at least 5-6 days a week) and I want to know when I can get back to exercising. I know I should take it "easy" but does that mean no exercising at all or just light activities? I typically do indoor cycling 1 to 2 hours a day plus pilates or yoga. Would just pilates and yoga be okay?Additionally, how long should I wait? 2 or 3 days? Until the bleeding stops?

Please know that I love working out as it has been a great weight loss tool for me. I just don't want to get lazy during my recovery. I know I won't be able to each much but I don't want to get bored.




  1. It is about 4 days

  2. only strong agressive exercises are restricted for three days (till the gum heals), but routine exercises are OK

  3. you should be fine after at least 24 hours but you want to be careful not to do anything to strenuous that second day.

  4. Uh, I worked out the same day I had my upper wisdom teeth pulled.  My lower ones, I was in boot camp and well, I didn't really do a lot of bed rest.  I had no ill effects, of course, I didn't even use the vicodin, and stuck with the Motrin.

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