
How soon can I re-dye my hair?

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is it ok to put a supermarket dye through your hair one day after a salon dye job? it's a dark burgundy, i don't like it and want to go back to dark brown. will it wreck my hair or go some weird colour if i dye it again so soon? thanks.




  1. preferably as later as WILL damage your hair,but if you just cannot wait, then get it done, but that should be the last time you dye your hair for a long half a year or longer..and help it recover my giving it hot oil treatments and such.also, dyeing your hair again means saying bye bye to all your heat styling products, unless you dont mind wearing a wig. like i said, your hair will need lots of care in order to recover.  

  2. About three months ago I dyed my hair a burgundy, I didn't feel comfortable because it was the first time I died it, I immediately wanted to go back. My stylist told me that I couldn't go directly to highlight because they turn a weird pink. But just let the dye come off, the more you wash your hair the faster the dye will come off. And your hair will not go directly to the color you had before if anything there will be a combination of the brown and the red.  

  3. It shouldn't turn it some weird color if you do it properly.. I've had to do the same thing- but I re-dyed it the same night!  It's pretty damaging but the damage isn't really that much more than what it would be if you waited a couple days.

  4. They say to wait 3 days before dying it again. It could really dry your hair out if you do it to soon. And after you dye it yourself be sure to use a really good conditioner.

  5. It all depends on how damaged your hair is and how thin it is.  Most salons will re-do a color if you're not satisfied at no extra cost.  I know you put a pretty penny towards that dye job so you ought to be satisfied.  Call you stylist and talk to her about it.  See what she says.

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