
How soon can i file for full custody of my baby? i'm 38 weeks pregnant?

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How soon can i file for full custody of my baby? i'm 38 weeks pregnant?




  1. Excellent question.  I'm 24 weeks and the sperm donor abandoned me when I was 14 weeks along....and he thinks he's going to get custody.  Over my dead body.

  2. I would agree that you should not put his name on the birth certificate.  Not for now anyway.  Then again, it really depends on why you don't want to share custody.

  3. Not sure.. Are you married?? If not then just dont put the father on the birth certificate, if he vvants custody of the child he'd have to pay for a paternity test. If you are married then just talk to an attorney to see vvhen you can file for full custody. If the father hasnt done anything vvrong then I dont see vvhy he vvouldnt get partial custody, you have to have a VERY good reason to have parents rights taken avvay.

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