
How soon can i use my homegrown herbs to cook with?

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I recently planted some basil and parsley for the first time. I'm not sure how soon I can start using the leaves to cook with. Do I have to wait for the plant to mature or can I just use the leaves as soon as they sprout?




  1. Herbs planted from seed take a while before you can harvest. Make sure they have plenty of sun, feed them about four weeks after planting and don't let them dry out too much while they are growing. You should be able to harvest a few leaves from the tops of the basil when they get about four inches tall. Only harvest from the top on the basil at first. In fact, they do best when the are snipped from time to time. The parsley needs to have at least a dozen leaves and be robust before you start to harvest. Wait until the plant grows more leaves before harvesting again. If you harvest leaves from the parsley too soon, you may lose the entire plant.

  2. I like to wait until basil leaves are 2-3 inches long. Then I make homemade pesto. That's the full flavor time. Tender young shoots aren't as flavorful. Parsley is the same. Patience---it will be delicious!

  3. You can use the leaves anytime you want. In fact the small ones will not be as tough as the older ones for use in salads where you eat them uncooked. The only problem is that if you take too many leaves off the plant it will not get enough nourishment and will die.  So as long as you don't get greedy and strip too much off you can start munching right away.

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