
How soon can my preschooler take swimming classes?

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How soon can my preschooler take swimming classes?




  1. A child can start swimming lessons at a very early age.  My grandson was 1 year old in September 2007 and he's in swimming lessons and enjoying it.

  2. I think they start swimming classes at a young age. Even if they are not old enough to swim yet, there are classes that teach them to roll over and float if they fall in. Its never to early to start classes. If they take classes over the summer, its a good idea to find a heated pool for them to practice over the winter so they won't forget, also its a good idea for them to take them the next summer anyways, they will learn new things, and become a stronger swimmer. Contact a YMCA near you, also the Red Cross may offer swimming lessons.

    Good Luck!

  3. I've been swimming since I was 8 months old my mom taught me in the backyard pool but I didn't start lessons at the beach until I was 4 because that was the youngest age they would take. Locally where I am the swim school starts at age 6 months.

  4. as sooon as you think hes readdy, maybe if he starts now , he can be on his grade schoolls then highschoools and never know were else he ca egt .(:

  5. As soon as they can. They will not be swimming lesson in the traditional sense but more like getting them to feel comfortable in the water, which is important too. My youngest started taking swimming lesson at 10 months old.

  6. I took my first swimming lessons in preschool, and so did all my other preschool friends.

  7. Do you mean how young?  As soon as the child is capable of walking and using arms and legs.  Natives threw their children into the water to learn to swim when they were toddlers.

  8. as long as the kid is ready! should start as early as possible

  9. I took swim lessons before I was even 2. It is your opinion for when you think that he/she is ready and what ages that they are being offer for.

  10. hmm i think i would wait until your child was in kindergarden to have them take swimming classes

  11. My son took swimming lessons at 2 years old.

  12. Could have started already. Water awarness courses are availible to babys of 6 months and up. Not real swiming lessons just getting bub familur and comfortable with being submerged. These courses prep young one for swiming lessons.

    Both my kids started actual  lessons when they were 3. By 5 they could esaly swim 15 meters or get to the side of any pool without assistance. Surf swiming is another matter and should not start until fit and confident.

  13. Right now! Get a good instructor at the YMCA or something and they will be just fine! I learned in like Preschool or kindergarten.

  14. Whenever they are available kids start off at a very young age

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