
How soon can she be clean for a drug test?

by  |  earlier

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if she takes double doses of vicoden on a daily basis and has a drug test in a week can i still catch it in her system?




  1. Dont take anymore and drink lots of water until then. It'll be flushed out by then...

  2. U can

  3. Yes you can, but since vicoden is a prescription drug and if she has an actual prescription for it, then probation may not have any problem with this particular drug. Drug test are usually looking for illegal drugs. The fact that she is taking a double dose, may or may not be overlooked depending on what she says about it and what probation thinks too.

  4. yes up to a week or so

  5. It depends on the type of test that is done, urine, hair, blood, saliva, sweat.

    There are many different ways that can be used with varying time scales that they are effective over.

    Also there is no universal test for ALL of the drugs under the sun. They may not even test for it.

    I assume that it is not a prescription. Otherwise you can just feel free to say I take it because my doctor told me to.

    My advice, firstly, get her to stop taking it for this week, or hey how about forever, there are better thing out there than vicoden, not all of which are drugs.

    Secondly, see if you can buy some home tests online. They are quite cheap and they will let you know in advance if she is good to go. I think you can miss 1 or 2 with a lame excuse before they get really suspicious.

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