
How soon can you get pregnant after having an IUD removed?

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I had my IUD removed on June 30th and my doctor told me I could get pregnant right away. I got my period in July and August and bought a OPK and I am ovulating....I am just wondering if anyone knows anything about this?




  1. You can definitely get preggo right away. But remember that the fertility window is very small, so get to work. the egg has a life spam of 12-to24hrs. more like 20 and if those little guys are already position were they supposed to be then you have a great chance of getting pregnant. but don't get disappointed if you don't just keep on trying. Lots of baby dust!!!

  2. I had my IUD removed on July 16th 2008. My doctor also told me that I could conceive right away.. but after being on here, I see that is not quit like that. Some women do right away- but I am on my starting on my second cycle of trying. One thing that I have learned is that if you take Evening Primrose, this helps with your cervical mucus which can help make the sperm live longer in your Cervix.And then if you take Red Raspberry leaf this helps build up the uterine lining which you need because the IUD has altered that. So that is what I am doing right now and Charting my BBT. So good luck- and baby dust to all of us.. Oh and its a good sign that you got your period cause it means that you are ovulating.. now just go and BD.  

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