
How soon can you put a betta in a 1 gallon tank after putting water conditioner in?

by  |  earlier

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what is the best way to acclimate a betta




  1. right away put but I would wait an hour

  2. Never.  A one gallon tank is too small for any fish to live in.  A betta needs a 5 gallon heated filtered tank to live properly.  A one gallon is good for a snail, a shrimp or a plant.


  3. I keep my betta in a bowl... It is 6 gallons.

    I would wait probably about an hour though after conditioning it...

    I would make sure there is little temperature differential prior to fish transfer... That will help the fish with the change.

  4. I would wait a few minutes just to be on the safe side. Also, make sure you acclimate him properly so he has a smoothe transtion from cup to tank.=)

  5. the conditioner work immediately.. so after it's mixed around well it's fine

    please dont keep bettas in bowls

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