
How soon could i go into labor?

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Im 38 weeks pregnant and i lost my mucus plug this afternoon. I started having some mild tightening feelings in my lower abdomen so i called my doctor and was told to go to Labor and Delivery. Once there they checked and i was 1cm dilated and 60% effaced. They monitored my contractions however they are not very close together. On the monitor my strongest contraction went to a 70. They sent me home because im only 1cm dilated. So im wondering how soon i could go into "active" labor and be abel to be admitted. Ohh and the doctor on Monday stripped my membranes.




  1. Any time now!! go for a walk and have s*x! that's the best way to get it started.

  2. Any time now, yay for you!

    Take a warm bath, walk a lot and think relaxing thoughts.  And try to get some sleep, you'll need it!!

  3. you could go into labor anytime not much help but that is how it is i went in labor the same day and was in labor 4 28 hours and deliver by c section  

  4. I would say anytime in the next 2 days!  They will typically keep you in the hospital if you ar dilated to a 3 or more....but sometimes a a 2.  I would walk a lot...even when it is uncomfortable.  That helps the baby stay lower and push on the cervix.....Good Luck momma!  Your gonna have your baby soon!!!

  5. how well rested are you? I know its hard but try to sleep for a while, you'll be glad you did later on

  6. You could potentially last for the last two weeks! I had my membranes stripped with my second son @ 1 centimeter & still had to be induced (8 days late). Walking never did anything in regards to getting labor started. It was more helpful when I was in labor. I tried the whole walking thing on all three of mine & not once did it work! That answer always drives me nuts! The only thing I didn't try that the nurses swear by is s*x. I would personally let your body do it's job it knows what & when to go into labor and it will give you time to work your way up to "active" labor. My Dr didn't want me going to the hospital until I was 3-5 min apart. I was a full 4 centimeters when I got to there. This was with my first. I was in labor about 46 hours & only pushed for 10 minutes before having him. Strangely enough I appreciated the process and was amazed at what my body was doing but boy was I tired! Congratulations you will do great!

  7. it's not something anyone can calculate.

    ive been dialated to a 2 with 80% effacement, and i also lost my mucus plug.

    ive been this way for a couple days.

    you're in the first stage of labor which can be a number of days or weeks.

    just be patient! it'll happen.

    DO NOT have s*x, dont listen to them.

    it can cause infection once you lose your mucus plug.

    nipple stimulation though can cause contractions, so can oral s*x or any other way to achieve o****m.

    and walk walk walk

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