
How soon did you feel your baby move?

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I am 18 weeks pregnant and i have already felt my baby move. Its not real regular at this point but i can def feel it when i tell the drs this they look at me like i'm nuts lol

how soon did you experiance this?




  1. I felt my baby move at 16.5 weeks. It was very slight though.  It got stronger by 18 weeks.   I have read that the smaller/thinner you are the sooner you feel movement.  

  2. 4 months.

  3. i felt my baby move at 17 weeks

  4. You won't feel distinct kicks yet. Not for another couple of weeks but more like flutters or bubbles. This is your baby and you can feel it around this time but its not kicks. I felt my baby at 17 weeks but didn't feel a "kick" until I was about 21 weeks.  

  5. With the first one I didn't feel anything until about 6 months and the second one I could feel at 3 months

  6. 16 weeks I was certain that it was baby and not just gas! LOL!!!

  7. i didn't start feeling mine until around 21 weeks, but my placenta is in the front. This makes it more difficult to feel the movements. My friend swore she could feel hers at 18 weeks though.  

  8. The book I has says 16 weeks and on, although the movements get more noticeable later.  I felt some things around 17- 18 weeks, but wasn't sure if that was it.  Now I'm 21 weeks and can feel little kicks and bumps, but not consistently.    

    I hear it's sooner on the second baby because you know what you're feeling.  

  9. I am 16 weeks pregant and i feel my baby move somtimes its not alot but i would say maybe once a day.. and i went to the hospital beause i was having cramping (everything was fine) but I told her that i did not feel the baby move all day and that was worrying me and she looked at me like I was nuts and said you cant feel it move yet and it made me mad because I do feel it move and I am only 16 weeks but  my doctor told me its normal and everyone is different! so i think it just depends on the person

  10. You're probably feeling little flutters.  That's the way the doctors describe the early movements...I thought it felt more like a goldfish who flopped out of his bowl and was flopping around on the table lol.  That was my experience anyways.  Some people say they can feel the flutters as early as 14 weeks.  I started feeling them around 20 weeks, but they didn't last long.  By 22 weeks, I was getting definite little kicks.  Congratulations! Feeling them move is the best part, imo.

  11. I first started feeling the little twitches and pokes shortly after 16 weeks.  It wasnt often but I usually felt her about once a day.  That's really strange that your doctor would look at you like you were nuts... when I was 17 weeks, my doctor kept asking me if I felt movement yet!  I was surprised since I know people who felt nothing until 24 weeks.  I felt my baby very early though, and I guess I just knew what I was looking for.  Alot of women mistake it for gas, but I just knew it was my baby and now I'm completely sure that was her back then!

    Congrats and Good Luck~

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