
How soon did you get pregnancy symptoms?

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So... Yay me and my husband are trying for a baby!!! We are in our second month of trying so I know there is still plenty of time. I'm due on in 2 weeks so don't know yet if we have had any luck this time but just wondered how soon people got pregnancy symptoms? I think I am past my ovulating period but we are still trying anyway (it's fun ;-) ) Just wondered whether the missed period is the first symptom or whether there were others you had before you missed your period? I don't feel pregnant, feel completely normal :-( Is this typical though? Thanks in advance!




  1. With one pregnancy, I thought I had a UTI because I was having to potty alot.  Went to the doctor and was told I didnt have a UTI.

    2 weeks later I missed my period, I was pregnant.  But, having to go potty an awful lot and not hardly passing anything, could have been something else not related to the pregnancy.

    There are no pregnancy symptoms to be honest....and I say that because often times pregnancy symptoms can so closly resemble a period and period symptoms.

    The first true sign and symptom is a missed period.  I didnt get the morning sickness untill two weeks after my missed period.

    BUT, it is different for each woman.

    Lots and lots of Baby Dust to you!  Good luck!

  2. the only sign i really had was mild cramps around 7dpo which was to soon for af cramps, and a sore left breast when i normally get cramps and sore breast one or two days before af, then i had my missed period followed by constipation tiredness, and now I'm 8+3 weeks and have sore breast and morning sickness aswell

  3. I am 5dpo and feeling pretty normal too!  :(  I was wondering this same thing.  I have been having like side ache pains all day as if I did several sit ups.  But that's about all.  I've been nauseous all week but I don't think that has anything to do with it since it is so early.  Who knows though.

    baby dust to you!!!!!!!

  4. hmmm well i didnt know for 8 weeks, so I think around week 10

  5. Well if you are due your period in 2 weeks you are maybe 1 day pregnant so you won't feel pregnant yet. Some women don't "feel pregnant" for weeks, not until they start to expand do they know something is amiss and they are actually pregnant. On demand pregnancy tests are a fairly new invention really.

    Missing your period is the only obvious sign usually, although you may start feeling sick pretty soon afterwards, not only in the mornings ....  Best of luck to you both :)  

  6. People always say there are really no symptoms but then you hear stories about women who have symtoms durning their 2ww.  I am in my 2ww now about 8-9dpo.  Someone on here recommended and its great there are hundreds of stories of women during their twoweekwait.  I love reading the stories and symtoms.  Goodluck

  7. I didn't find out i was pregnant till i was 8 weeks, but looking back and reading my diary i can honestly say the symptoms started withn a few days of conception. But thats just me every pregnancy is different.

  8. You should be in your ovulating NOW! Your first missed Should be your first symptom, but you can have a real light one and still be pregnant! Nausea, tiredness, and variety of emotions can also be signs! If Ann Douglas' web site to look things up or to get a book cause she specializes in that area for Canadians! If in US, there are lots of different books & web sites for you! Fingures crossed for you!!:]

  9. it is to soon to have signs , the earliest that you could have signs would be 5-10 days after your ovulation  that is when the baby implants and begins to make the HCG hormone that gives you the signs , So i would keep my eyes out in about 1 more week or so for changes , good Luck and Baby Dust to U !!!! :-)

  10. Firstly Congratulations im really happy for ya i mean it is fun trying the whole lying wit ur legs in the air thing so s**y lol and the demanding hurry up and give me ur baby gravy look loooool. the first signs i got was cramping like period pains for about 1 - 2months wit no period. quite early i got them. and i felt really tired i didnt feel sick til 8weeks tho then i suffered til 13! its great tho your gonna love it i have a 6month old and its the most wonderful thing ever! all those sleepless nights dirty nappys and no social life WOOHOO! lol . xx good luck and have fun trying! O and id love to know wen u are xx

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