
How soon did your baby double their weight?

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I know that developmentally they want their weight to double by the time they are six months old. My son is 13 weeks and is not 17lbs and 10 oz. He was 8 lbs 2 oz at birth, so he has doubled his weight plus 1 lb 6 oz.

Just curious as to how fast other babies are doubling their weight.




  1. my baby was born 6Lbs. 9Oz. at about 6 to 7 weeks he was already over 11 Lbs. but then again my son is huge! now he is 4 months and weighs 18 Lbs and is 28 inches long!

  2. They should double their birthweight by 6 mth of age. But perhaps your genetic lines produce larger children. Genetics also plays a large part.  

  3. My son doubled his weight in 2 and a half mths

  4. my son was 8lbs at birth, at his 11 week checkup the other day he was 15lb-8oz so it only took him a couple months (hes a big boy 90th percentile in height and weight)

  5. Mine did it at 15 weeks

  6. My daughter was 8lbs 9 at birth and she 4 months now and weighs 14 lbs 5oz. All babies are different. If he is happy and healthy don't worry about it.

  7. My daughter was 7.1lbs at birth and by the time she was 4 months she was at 15.4lbs.

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