
How soon do babies move on to solid food?

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What's the average age babies move on to eating baby food instead of just milk/formula? Should I register for dishes and such for the baby shower registry?




  1. My son was eating baby foods around 6 months. The labels on the jars will tell you what age is recommended for each stage of foods...If I were you I would go ahead and register for the dishes and stuff cuz you'll use them all the time.

  2. The dr will tell you around 4 months you can start them on baby rice and stage one fruits and vegys. When they are eating a full jar at one sitting you can move them to stage two. Once they get teeth and can chew you can move them up to soft cut up food like you eat example pasta, peas, eggs, ect. You can register for dishes and stuff it will save on buying them later and you will need them.

  3. My son started eating cereal and simple #1 baby food at 4 months.  It's not a bad idea to go ahead and register for sippy cups, spoons, bowls, and plates.  The time will be here before you know it and even that stuff can get expensive.

  4. All babies are different, but the average is around 6 months of age.

    It depends on who you talk to also.  If you are breastfeeding, breastmilk is the only thing the baby will need up to one year of age.

    My son is starting solid foods now and is 7 months old.  We are skipping baby food and moving right to simple table foods like ground beef and yogurt.  We give him things that we can easily chew and give to him.  We are also going to be buying a safe feeder (looks kinda like a pacifier but with a mesh bag that you put pieces of food in and they mash it with their teeth/gums and eat the tiny pieces that get through the mesh).

    Watch what your baby does.  He/She will let you know when it's time.  My son started to grab at my food and move it to his mouth.  That's what made us believe he was ready to start eating solids.  The fact that he had 2 teeth helped with that too, lol.

    God bless,


  5. At 4 months you can start to give cereal and oatmeal. At about 6 months is when you start to give them fruit and veggies.  

  6. At my sons four month check up his pediatrician told me to start introducing him to vegetables and cereal.  He said that once we were through introducing him to all of the vegetables (you have to feed them the same veg. for three days in a row to make sure they aren't allergic) then I could start him on fruits.  He said by the time we got to his six month check up he would be eating two meals a day.  I would recommend registering for the bowls and spoons.  I didn't do this, but someone bought me the spoons anyway.  The bowls are so nice to have, so I think it is a great idea to register for them.  :-)

  7. 4 months at the earliest but it is best to wait until 6 months.  Really it depends on the baby and when they are ready but their digestive system can't handle solids until atleast 4 months. actually has a lot of information about when to start solids and all that.  

  8. The newest guidelines say 6 months but pediatricians still tend to think that 4 months is fine. It depends on your baby. When the tongue thrust reflex goes down and the baby is interested in your food, it's time. You can register for dishes and stuff. It's just less that you have to buy later. Good luck!

  9. Doctors don't recommend anything before 6 months. I registered for some spoons and dishes. There is nothing wrong with stuff you will need a little later on.  

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