
How soon do you believe we should try to colonize other planets?

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i think we should start focusing a lot on Mars and colonizing it first. what do you think?




  1. put all the criminals there like they did with America lol and Australia

  2. i think we should start very soon!

  3. NOT yet.We just don't have a strong enough rocket motor with fuel supply to get there in a couple of weeks.

  4. 30 years ago. We needed to keep on going after we went to the moon.


  6. The longer we wait, the more chance there will be a cataclysmic event like an asteroid strike that could wipe out civilization.

    The moon is the obvious choice to colonize first, mars would be next.  

    Once we have established bases on these two astronomical bodies, building ships that could travel thruout the solar system would be much easier.

  7. I think all the beings from the other planets thought of this first?

  8. as soon as technology allows

  9. Let's put it this way, it's been a little over a decade now since we've gotten the International Space Station up and running. So my personal feeling is it's plausible within the next 15-20 years. The cost, however, would be far too much for anyone to actually consider.

  10. never gonna happen.

    its  a money thing.

    remember the Apollo 18 landing on the Moon?

    no?  there wasn't one, because people got tired of watching Apollo and they told their congressmen to take away NASA's money.

    can you imagine what would happen if we said "Lets spend 100$ billion on a trip to Mars!"

    never gonna happen.

    lets take care of Earth, its really our only hope.

  11. i think when we find a more planet able to sustain the human race. Mars is not the best solution in this case ...

  12. For me, it's not a question involving belief.  

    It's a question of practicality and economics, neither of which offers colonization as a possibility.  Don't mistake me, I would like to go myself, maybe in another life....  

    But, I think we should keep exploring with the robotics we are continuing to develop with increasingly rapid complexity and see what happens as we FIRST find out more with the technology we have and have yet to develop - and then go!!

    ( It took about a hundred years after Columbus 'discovered' the New World before there was serious colonization efforts.  Consider that.  It took money and practical reasons to go, which is the essence of my reasons above.  The absolutely incredibly asinine expeditures for war, armaments, the defense industry, and now "security" by the USA and so many other countries that could be spent in so many other, better, ways, is so stupid, so wasteful, that it almost becomes embarrassing to be a human being and have a serious interest in space exploration.  What's the point if imbeciles like them are running the show? Why aren't they in an asylum??)

  13. Maybe in a hundred years.

    Mars can not be economically self supporting.

  14. We should be there already,

    Funny how far out goals like that bring out technology, imagin what technology we need to send humans to mars, imagin if that technology was to maximise power efficiency, or low fuel usage in aircraft,

    we are so behind as compared to where we could be

  15. I honestly think we will see the beginnings of this happen within the next 15 to 20 years. We will have to figure out how to create a biodome though to protect the first colonists and create a sutible enviroment. This will all be extremly expensive. Many countries have thought of colonization for a long time. If they all joined forces, then the expenses could be met.

      The first colonists will most likely be military, scientists, and doctors. I doubt us everyday citizens will be included, as we lack the skills that will be needed. I don't think the first everyday type citizens will be allowed on the colonies for at least 50 years. This will give the first team time to make sure that everything is working and safe.

       And yes, even though i have a lot of health problems, I would do it in a second! It has always been my fantasy to go up to outer space and see the earth from a spaceships window.

  16. As soon as NASA or some space agency imbeds a Superconducting Ring (ranging from 4 to 14 Tesla, depending on how much iron-nickel-cobalt in in the core to begin with) into the moon and Mars to create a magnetic field which protect us from cosmic rays, then it's just a matter of building an atmosphere to block out gamma, uv and x-rays.  A magnetic field also protects any water from being photo-dissociated by solar uv.  Advances in new Superconducting materials, such as the discovery that Iron doped with Arsenic is superconducting at even higher temperatures, will make "dynamos" a reality.

    We would have to go and terraform or bioform the moon and Mars.  Terraforming is the process of making a planet Earth-like by creating an ecosystem. Bioforming is the new concept of using farm animals, furry creatures (squirrels, gerbils, hamsters, squirrels, lorises, lemurs, etc) to create a rich and thick atmosphere. All mammals which respire aerobically (breathe oxygen) will give off water vapor and CO2. They also give off methane gas, so you now have 3 potent greenhouse gases to build a rich and thick atmosphere and to regulate temperature extremes. Pretty soon it'll be flooding on Mars and all the other moons.

    Aerobic Respiration:

    C6H12O6 + oxygen --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy

    Farms, restaurants and bakeries will be an absolute necessity on any moon or Mars, because water vapor and CO2 are the 2 primary byproducts of combustion of all fuels:

    Propane C3H8 + 5 O2 --> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O

    The good news is that the more farm animals, people, pets and furry animals on any planet or moon, the richer and thicker the atmosphere will be.  That is, the more we eat and the more active we are, the more water vapor, CO2 and methane we add to the atmosphere.  It's a beautiful thing.  So, please EAT when you're up there!

  17. we are never going to do that, dont buy into what nasa is selling. just forget about it

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