
How soon do you get your Period after a D&C?

by  |  earlier

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its been 5 weeks since the D&C and still no period, i don't think i'm pregnant, i dont feel like im pregnant and tests show negative.

how long did it take for your period to come after the D&C?

another question... how can i know what days i'm fertile after the D&C?




  1. usually a month or so go see ur doc they might have done something wrong theres a pill for that

  2. Your next period after a D&C depends when you ovulate, it comes 2 weeks after ovulation, and ovulation canb take 2-6 weeks after a D&C.

    In the meantime check for ovulation symptoms and checking physical symptoms, such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus changes and others like lower abdominal pains, which are symptoms of ovulation.

  3. I have a D&C done in late January and my AF came in late February.  My fertile days didn't change much but my periods got very painful and heavier.  Don't worry everything is going to be fine.  If your AF doesn't come go to the doctor to be sure.

  4. it took me 8 weeks to get my period, and it hasn't been the same since. my cycles have been alot longer then before my d&c and i have been having problems with cyst on my ovaries, but that's a different story. also my hormones got all out of wack after the d&c. i remember that my 2 cycle was 10 weeks, now they are about 36 days. try to wait at least one full cycle to get pregnant again because the walls of your uterus need to be thick to embed the egg. good luck and remember, it will happen when it's suppose to happen.

  5. it can take a few weeks. sometimes you can get pregnant right away because your cervics is open ...

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