
How soon do you receive notice after the intersection cameras take your picture?

by  |  earlier

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No, I'm not expecting something to come in the mail...hopefully. :P I'm just curious how much time it takes for someone to receive notice in the mail. Around this time I'm sure it'll make a LOVELY Christmas present.




  1. Typically you will receive one within the week, certainly no more than 2 weeks.

  2. I got one once.  It was in my mailbox just a few days later.  Fortunately, our local municipality finally came to the realization that the cameras caused more accidents than they prevented, so they took them down. (Of course, the lawsuit helped, too!)  Money racket, that's all it is, no more, no less.  I've almost rear-ended a few people because the split  second the light turned yellow, they slammed on brakes.  (Better to have a wreck than get a ticket, right??) There was a drastic increase in rear-end collisions when the cameras went up, at least here.  Been very happy they've been down a few years now.

  3. 2 days

  4. When you get the photo in the mail. Sorry. They are not going to care if it is Christmas or not.

    If the light is yellow, stop the f***ing car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

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