
How soon do you think POT will be legal? if so, will you partake?

by  |  earlier

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i believe it will happen one day, but does it make it right?




  1. POT is legal in some nations, illegal in others.

    Historically we have gone many generations between changes.

    I have managed to live my life without indulging in certain risks.  I am too old to change now.

    If I was able to live that long, I would be very much surprised if the laws on POT changed in the next 100 years.

    The only change I anticipate is when there are new nations, like one on the Moon, another on Mars, in the Asteroid belt, etc, where the new nations may have new laws.

  2. You did not state where you are located. I'm assuming it is the U.S.

    With the current attitude the public (in general) has to tobacco, I don't see marijuana being legalized federally any time soon for any thing other than industrial or maybe medicinal use (and I wouldn't hold my breath on these becoming legal either).

    But that is not to say I don't think it should be legal. I completely agree that what adults want to do with  (or to) their body should be no business of the government.

    Also, if it was legalized, no, I would not partake. I did use marijuana back when I was in high school, but stopped when I joined the Navy. After my time was up, I did try it once, but I just didn't enjoy like I use to before.

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