
How soon does a pregnancy show up on an ultrasound??

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I had one yesterday because they were checking for cysts and other health problems. And I asked If there was a baby in there and they said no. Buttt, if I was pregnant I'd only been a week or 2. I had my period 2 weeks ago. Well, I spotted. but, I've been nauseous all week, and my b***s hurt. And I'm moody. But I always am. I've just got myself worried and im wondering if I can rule this out by what the doctor said or if it was too soon to tell anyway? Can anyone help?? thankss




  1. as soon as conception occurs...the baby could be the size of a rice grain and the u/s would pick it up

  2. When I was 7wks 4days pregnant my baby looked like a little bug but I could see her! I doubt they can see much earlier than that.

  3. if you had a period two weeks ago then you would only be days pregnant if at all and I doubt they would be able to see the ball of cells that is forming. you'll have to wait if you think you are pregnant till you miss your period. but I think detecting a few days old pregnancy would be extremely hard by ultrasound. but mind you I'm not a doctor.

  4. it isnt too soon. as soon as you concieve and the baby implants, it becomes visible. i would have them check again or take a test in a week or so.

  5. I think that it is too early to tell. My dr. said your hcg levels have to be atleast 4000 for the ultrasound tech to see anything. I just had an ultrasound done on monday and I am only 5 weeks along. They could only see the sac and said it was too early.  I know every womens hcg levels rise at different rates but my hcg level was at 24 about 3 days before my missed period.

  6. Its still too soon to show up on ultrasound because if it was only about a week after conception it has really implanted and made it's own "little space" so the best thing you can do now is take care of yourself for the next week or two and take a test a few days before you should have a period if you can't wait to find out. Also I miscarried at 6 weeks and had an internal ultrasound and they could see where the pregnancy had begun, so if it didn't show up now it should in a few weeks. Good luck

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