
How soon does fertility return after an early miscarriage?

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How soon does fertility return after an early miscarriage?




  1. I've read stories of ppl getting pregnant right away.  My doctor had told me to wait two cycles to allow my body to heal and prepare and be strong enough to hold the next pregnancy.  I miscarried at 8wks.

  2. I got pregnant with my first son the cycle right after I had an early miscarriage.  So I really didn't have a period in between.  I had the bleeding that came with the miscarriage, which lasted about 10 days or so, then I got pregnant.  It is really up to the individual how long to wait.  If you're emotionally ready, go for it!

  3. right after your next period, which should come in about 4 weeks after the miscarriage... so you will be fertile in about 6 weeks

  4. Some say it's right after your first period following the MC,but everyone is different. Good Luck

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