
How soon does implantion occur

by  |  earlier

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hello i am ttc and been on clomid and provera..i had my period on july 21.. then i took clomid according to my chart i should out ovulated on the 1st of yesterday i had very light bleeding only when i wipe through..please keep in mind when i say light it was light pink(sorry if too much info) but since then i get light cramps nothing over then that through.. this would be my first time being pregnant if i im new to all of this..i know it too soon to test..just wondering where is this coming from or does this mean anything thanks




  1. Are you sure you calculated ovulation correctly?

    If you had your period on the 21st, and you took Clomid from CD 5-9 the ovulation should have happened between August 4th and 9th.

    Implantatioon can happy between 6-12 days after ovulation. So if you had some spotting yesterday, on the 4th, and you ovulated on the 1st, then it was a little too early for implantation bleeding.

  2. I'm not on clomid or anythin but I'm ttc #2...our periods are due around the same time i think mine is a day before i prob would of ovulated around the same time as you...the light pink spotting could jus be ovulation bleeding..i had never had it before till a few months ago..I'm still having light cramps myself so i dunno..maybe this month will be this month..I jus got this feeling...I can't wait till I can take a test to know....Good luck

  3. It can be as early as 5 days after ovulation for you to have implantation bleeding. Wait about 12 - 14 DPO to test. Good luck!

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