
How soon is it before you can know if you are pregnant. Me i am nauseated and hormonal?

by  |  earlier

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and I am wondering because i didn't yet start my cycle but for a few days have felt sort of crappy.




  1. my earliest symptom was missed period for 5 days before i took the test. i started getting more symptoms [mood swings, tiredness, morning sickness and b***s sore] a week later which i was around 6-7 weeks.

    everyone is different, remember that. some of them have no symptom at all!

  2. If you are late then you could test now.  They also have HPT's that you can test up to five days before your missed period.

  3. as soon as you miss your period you can take a test and see. most of the time they are accurate but you can get a false negitive due to less amount of hcg levels. if negitive wait a couple of days then retest.good luck

  4. If your period is a week or more overdue, you can take a home pregnancy test, and it will give you a very accurate result either way.

    If you get a negative test result and are still feeling off colour, see your doctor.

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