
How soon is too soon to replace a dead fish?

by  |  earlier

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I had two fish for 5 years. they swam together and were best buddies. this morning I woke up and one of the fish had died during the night. It was quite sudden because he was swimming happily before bedtime....anyways, the other fish seems lonely. he isn't acting the same as he has been over the past 5 years. call me crazy but i think he is long should i wait to get a companion for my fish?




  1. Get one the next time you go out just make sure to leave it in a plastic bag in the tank for a little while to see how the other fish feels about the new friend if they aren't going to get along then keep them separate. Sorry for your loss.  

  2. How can a fish be lonely?

    They have like 2 second memories.

    Get a new fish ASAP

  3. The sooner the better as long as you are sure that the tank does not have some sort of infection.   You want to keep the biological action in the tank as consistent as possible.

  4. As soon as u found out what caused it to die!!!!!!

  5. He'll be okay. Replace it soon. A month, I guess???

  6. get another fish that looks EXACTLY like the one that died & call it the same name

  7. asap =] just get a fish that looks like the dead fish

    btw could you do me a huuge favor and vote for me here?:

    it won't take more than 5 seconds, promise

  8. Right away, it might take some time for the fish to get use to each other and make sure they aren't like fighting fish or something where they can kill each other. Remember a lonely fish is a sad fish :(

  9. i would not get another fish until you find out what caused the death of the first fish.  You said that the remaining fish was acting weird, that maybe be because there was a disease and he passed it on to the living fish.

  10. as soon as possible.

    your fish might appreciate a new buddy.

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