
How soon is too soon to say i love you?

by  |  earlier

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i've been dating this girl, officially, for a month. but we're basically dating a month before that as well.

i've never felt like this in my life. and i'm not just some naive teenager who thinks any little feeling is love.

i'm 18. i've had many relationships in my day. and i know this one is different.

my rule is to wait to say i love you until you can't hold it in anymore...i can't hold it in.

but i'm curious is it's too soon? like, will she think it's too soon only being a month?




  1. its not too soon

    if you really do love her then tell her!

  2. my ex-gf said it two me on the fourth day that we really got to know each other, third day we saw each other, and our second date. and you know what? i said it back. for us at least? there was no time limit on love.

    despite the ex part we still love each other and are actually still in love with each other. we just cant be together.

  3. Well, it's only too soon to say you love someone when you don't. Just do it. You won't regret it if you do, but you might if you don't. Go, say it, that won't hurt anyone (:

  4. I'd say I wait for at least 3 months into the relationship, because you could make her feel pressured to say it back, and she may not feel the same quite yet. But what matters that that you truly feel it, so you decide.

  5. Personally, I think that with only being together a month, it might be a little too soon to say you LOVE her. It may seem childish, but see how she responds first to an “I like you” statement and then progress from there. It really depends on where you are in your relationship as to if you really feel secure enough to say you love her, if you do….then go for it! No time like the present because tomorrow is never promised.

  6. I don't think it's too soon.

    If someone told me they loved me after about 2 months of dating, I wouldn't be scared away.

    Go for it, and good luck.

  7. I would say normally, a month is too soon. Love takes time, but it's different for everybody. Try saying things like, "I like you a lot," or "I really care about you." Then ease up to, "I love you."

    This way you get more comfortable with your emotions and saying how you feel... and you can determine how she feels as well... and you will be able to get to know her better to see if you still feel the same.

  8. 20 mins after meeting is too soon, saying it after the first date is too soon, saying it at the end of a first date is too soon. You're safe, you have had enough time together to know how you should feel within yourself. Now how the other person handles it is another matter. We all feel love in different ways and times. Talk to her and let her know how you feel. You don't necessarily have to say "I love you," but you can convey the sentiment and give her time to respond.  

  9. as soon as you feel ready to, say it. xx

  10. It's only too soon if you think there's a possibility that it's too soon. If you imagine you could still be in the throes of a crush or infatuation, it's too soon. As for what SHE will think, why in the WORLD would you expect us to know her better than you do?

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