
How soon should it take klonopin .5mg to work? I am going on a date and I'm feeling incredibly anxious/nervous

by  |  earlier

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How many hours before the date should I take the klonopin, so that I will be relaxed when I meet the gentleman.




  1. just to be sure it has kicked in fully I'd take it no later than a 1/2 hour before he's scheduled to be there

  2. Ok from one addict to another... if you need to ask the question you already know the answer.

    I hated when someone told me this but its true, your posting this is a "cry for help" type of thing. Your thinking if they all say yes then its ok and I've got supporters, but anyone who tells you to use.. is not your friend. I always owned my ****, never blamed anyone so don't accept any of these yes's on here as an excuse to get high. If your gonna do it then take responsibility for your **** k?

    And don't OD because someone needs you! even if you don't know it, otherwise I wouldn't be here to tell you this...

    -Hope you can handle yourself and be SAFE!!!

  3. Good luck on your date!! I prefer xanax -- last time I took klonopin before I date, well... LOL I was swerving in the road and I felt like I was drunk! It was awesome!


  4. Around an hour, half hour at minimum.  Klonopin has a long life, so it's not going to wear off if you take it a little earlier.

    PS - head meds aren't by height and weight.

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