
How soon should my trees be planted?

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Today someone gave me 3 trees that are still in appx. 3 gallon containers: tulip poplar, red oak, red maple. They're each about 6 foot tall. My question: should they be planted right away even though we're in the hot part of the summer (it's averaging 90 & higher every day)....or would it be better to leave them in the containers under shade (possibly in the garage??) until later summer, when the temperature isn't so high during the day (giving them water regularly)?

I know it's usually best to plant trees in late summer/early fall...but I don't want them to die before then....nor do I want them to die because it's too hot for them outside right now.




  1. Plant them now and water.  If you water them they will be fine.  The longer you wait to plant them the more risk you are taking because they need to get rooted before the frost comes.  

  2. If they were grown in containers from the start, you should be fine to hold them for a month or so until the temperature go down a little. Don't keep them in your garage! Just match the conditions they've been growing in. (sun exposure/shade, moisture)

    If they are field grown or container grown in full sun, you can put them in now. Moderate watering will keep them healthy. If you are concerned about the heat and watering correctly, get a few "tree-gators", or "ooze tubes" to take care of that. Overwatering is a common cause of new tree death. Don't kill your trees with kindness.

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