
How soon to have an accurate reading?

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if, according to ovulation calculators and what i know about myself, today would be the last day of my ovulation cycle...2 questions.

1) when does your egg actually begin implantation

2) if i have a dr. appt for the 20th, will that be soon enough for them to get an accurate reading, even with a blood test?




  1. You may be able to get a blood test but chances are it will be too soon to tell if you're pregnant. I ovulated on the 5th and, according to (a great website) I probably shouldn't test until the 25th. You can get a positive result as soon as day 12 after ovulation but most people recommend waiting at least 2 weeks before testing.

    Good luck

  2. With my bfp I saw a positive HPT on 11DPO after seeing a temp dip on day 10 - implantation - and rise again the next morning (day 11). So, you'll be 6DPO at your appt. It's possible for implantation before that but they say that 6-10DPO is likely time for implantation. Can you reschedule the appt for the 29th or later?

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