
How soon will Obama play the race card to help stop Palin's energy and character?

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Come on, he cannot attack her character, she has more executive experience than Biden and Hussein put together! He has to play the black ace, that is all he has.

Aren't democrats being sexist if they don't vote for Palin, the women candidate?????




  1. it's historical....

    first black.  now a woman.

    kind of a flip side, eh??

  2. B.O. (because he stinks) has played the race card all along. How soon? Now

  3. on both sides i think it is stupid to vote for anyone based on race or s*x...people should listen and vote on what they decide to believe,but anyone can say anything and nobody can go in office and have a quick fix to the problems we face...god help americas future

  4. I think Obama will be focused on McCain.

  5.'re pretty ignorant...I bet you make your mother proud!  She must just be beaming with pride and joy!  (Yeah right!)  

  6. I dunno, she is an woman AND married to a native American. Native Americans have been persecuted more than any other group there is, black, latino, white, man or woman. We tried to kill them with blankets filled with small pox! I think she might win that game  

  7. I am not sure how much of this is a joke and how much is a serious question.  Obama has not played the race card yet;  will he have a special opportunity to do so with Palin?

    Why would it be sexist of Democrats to refrain from basing their vote on the Vice Presidential candidate's gender?

    I now realize that you are probably kidding, or perhaps are not a native English speaker and therefore using words that don't make sense, but I've already bothered to type all this out, so I'll go ahead and submit it.

  8. lol shes been Goverener of alaska for less then 2 years and she was a mayor of a town of just 5,000 and ran it into a debt of 20 million.

    so were does the experence come from agin?  do u become a master at ur profession in 2 years?

  9. Playing the race card won't work because the truth is being known.

  10. Thats the only thing I hate about races and different s*x's they can pull that card on anything and it just gets so old because the white man isnt given any breaks.  

  11. You're crazy! Would you actually want this woman being president. You must want nuked or something.

  12. Are you really being serious with this question? Like, do you think you're really making a point? Let's look at her exec. experience...she was mayor of a town of less than 9,000 people then she was governor of Alaska. She was elected in 2006, which means she's been governor for less than two years. During that time, she has had NO foreign policy experience. I'm not entirely sure why McCain chose her...obviously to try to attract Hillary supporters, but in picking her, he has handed the "experience" attack back to Obama....the Obama campaign can now charge that she, who has been in state government for a shorter time than Obama has been in federal government, is not qualified.

  13. Look, she is a beauty pageant contestant and winner.  What do you think?

  14. I will give him a week or less.

  15. He won't need to.  It's all about McCain.

  16. What a stupid, racist, ignorant question. You're an intellectual midget. Go work for Fox News, moron.

  17. I didn't hear anybody's character attacked during the democratic convention. It is left to republicans to use swift boat tactics.

    The only person pulling a card is you!

    Mayor in a town of 6,000 and governor in a state with less inhabitants than Houston for a little over a year - what experience is that. Presidents deal with foreign and national policy. They have secretaries and civil servants to manage day to day affairs.

    We are only voting for president, vice presidents are appointed.

    Nobody will vote for Palin, she won't be on the ballot!!!!!!!!

  18. 20 months ago she was only the mayor of a small town in Alaska.  This is worse than when Bush tried to get his cleaning lady (Harriet Miers) sworn in as a supreme court justice!

  19. I am happy with Palin because she will let us drill Alaska.  I have significant oil investment and this will be good for business.

    McCain/Palin '08

  20. Obama has caused more change and has helped his local economy more than her.....

    A lot of you people on yahoo are really ignorant.

  21. He has no character because, why?  You say so?  Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh say so?  You haven't provided a single tangible example of a lack character on either Obama's or Bidens part, which tells us something about your character.

    The last part is ridiculous but I'll answer it anyway.  It would be sexist to vote for a candidate simply because she is a woman.  You like to talk about character.  Well, let McCain and Palin earn votes based on their character and not because she is a woman or he was a POW.

  22. In his amazing speech at the DNC our future president Barack Obama did not play the race card.  The POW card seems to be more powerful.

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