
How soon will i know if the application of Advantage is working on my kitten.?

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Yesterday I rescued this adorable kitten from the ghetto. The poor guy is just crazy covered in fleas. I applied the Advantage (for cats under 5 lbs) the best i could to his neck. I'm sure that it all didn't get on his skin from his squirming about. Its now been almost 24 hours and it doesn't seem like the treatment is working at all. I have another cat that didn't have flees, i treated him and he seems fine. Anyways, how long before I am supposed to see any improvement and how soon can i reapply?




  1. Advantage spreads through the hair follicles, so if you didn't get it directly on his skin it might not spread correctly. You might want to try bathing the kitten, especially if it is covered in fleas. Given this won't be an easy task, but that would help drown the fleas, then you can reapply the Advantage a day after.

  2. Try a Capstar and Advantage together. The Capstar starts working immediately, within 30 min most of the fleas are dead. Advantage takes a little longer to get going but lasts several weeks. For a heavy infestation, you can re-apply in two weeks. Its a very safe product. Never use Hartz, Zodiac, c**p like that, only vet approved. Otherwise, you could possible kill your kitty. Put Advantage on the cat you already had, Kitties love to share their

  3. Advantage is a pesticide, it will eventually kill the fleas, but don't forget that 90% of a fleas time is spent OFF the pet.  That means they are slowly invading your home...everywhere.  So while Advantage is trying to work, new fleas are being born, fleas in your home are hopping back on, etc...

    Now that you are grossed out, don't freak out!  Give kitty a bath using a dishwashing detergent like Joy.  It will coat the fleas and make them slip off the kitty.  It also make them unable to breathe and they drown.  It will also help get those eggs off kitty, and all the flea dirt - which is actually flea p**p.  Nice eh?

    You may have to reapply something later, but a solid bath should always be done before you bring a new pet into your home, especially one covered in fleas.  There are medications that work faster, but you may have to go through a vet.  

    One I used was CapStar.  When I helped rescue kitties, it would kill them within 2hours (oral medication).

  4. It won't work if you didn't get it on the skin . It has to penetrate into the skin so that when the fleas bite into the skin, it will kill them. It's supposed to start working within 10 minutes but it will take about 12 hours or more to get rid of them all.

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