
How stop thebombblst done by terrorist inindia?

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last two week we see the bomb blast in india in different places. why we cantnot stop this type of terrorist activity. what shoud do the common people.




  1. Our persent leader and Officers are not take stik stap for this said only leaders are speek but do not done. Which time India contact parmanu samjhhota with America from this time many bomb blst search in India so take help with America for this terrorist activities in India and take stik stap with America.

  2. We born in the country where Mahatma Ghadhiji also born. You can call the terrorists outfits  and discus with them what they want.If it is reasonable request full fill it.Otherwise convince them that their request is not good for the interest of our nation,.Can you please name a person  who is really interested in the welfare of our people and our country.

  3. well i can say the USA has spent 6 years and trillions on a war on terror and looks to me like terrorist are like cockroaches,  they just won't go away,  good luck,  and if i answered you to what i think the "common people should do, i would be violated,  all i can say is stand up for your religion, because the terrorist are.

  4. Govt. should excercise perfect control over; flow of foreign money towards the extremists. There shall be strict rules in line with US Anti terrorism Act. Rules shall be implemented strictly And equal for everybody including Politicians. there shall be a strong and independent intelligence Agency working in the country; whom are well trained to identify these sort of anti social elements; well in advance.

  5. hi friends

    we have to stop terrorism so u know who have to be stop this



    terror group?

    i think only we can stop

    by giving good messages

    if each one will be thinking this only we can stop this.


  7. First government should have firm conviction to wipe out terrorism from the country. They should have clear cut policy. They should strength and improve the intelligence and police, should have uniform policy for the entire country as far as terrorism is concerned. It should no0t be left to the individual states concerned. Govt should enlist the cooperation of the public and utilise the services of retired army and police personnel.. All the able bodies youth should be given basic training in anti terrorist activities.  Thousands of plain clothed intelligent personnel should be deployed across the country to keep an eye on all the important areas.  Vigorous propaganda against the terrorism should be launched. What we are doing at present is only fire fighting. Only when there is a bomblast  some noise is made and afterwards everything subsides till another bombblast.,this should be replaced with some concrete action

  8. The Common people should must have to neglate and avoid politicians, politicians are the ROOT of all problems.

  9. We have cheap Hindu labour force

    Employ them as Security Cops in homes, colonys, markets cities ie at all levels of civilised societies

    Thousands of people shall come forward at a meagre salary of Rs 2000 per month

    Create private force to proect us as security Cops. Government has failed to protect  citizens

  10. I think terrorism cannot be curbed until there is poverty, so we can bring down such activites by joining hands together to fight this poverty as well as remove the feeling of revenge from these people who have taken a wrong route

  11. Terrorism can be tackeled by terrorism only. We need to have an internal security agency which is independent of political influence and bounds of law (LIKE FBI) but committed to good of the nation. Such agencies can indulge in the overt and covert operations. Such agency can fill the void. this is the work of government of the day.

    I hate this to say but if the government would not take the necessary steps, people would take the law in their hands, the consequences of which are ominous.

  12. Undercover intelligence should be sent to infiltrate into terrorists organization; and special force should eliminate those terrorists organization.

    If India wants helps from international, they should check with interpol (

  13. Bearth control for all irrespective of Religions. Importance given on humanism. Discipline needs to be restored in all places, such as beginning from educational institutions/offices etc. Children should not be allowed to come into the grip of politicians and opportunists.Strict vigil on bomb/making materials. These should not be sold out in an open market. "Ghosts in the master-seeds" - remember.

  14. Answer is that this is because of the partiality in Law. I am asking a question that some one give answer that in India riots started when the Babri Maszid has been demolished than, what Law did and what Indian Government taken action against those people who involved in that demolishing. In that situation nobody condemned that what political leaders doing were wrong and such political leaders should be punished. No single Law in India taken action against those political leaders / party for creating riots.

    What is Indian law ? as far as past riots (Babri Maszid & Gujarat riots) concern the Indian law and court had shown partiality. Unfortunately the Indian Law is the  worst law in the world.

    After that Gujarat riots, the electronic media showing that how the majority of the religion killing innocent and minority religion people publicly in Gujarat. No single law has taken action against those group/Political leaders.

    Recently one party in Maharashtra telling publicly that they have to form as group and they have to wear the human bombs and put on the innocent and minority religion people in India. Then what the Indian Law doing? as per Indian Law Act it's Criminal Case has to be put on those people who creating riots in India.

    But unfortunately in India the minority religion people always been targeting. Why because they don't have any power in India. Majority of the people supporting the political leader who creating riots in India.

    That's why the terrors are coming in focus. If the Law done their work without partiality then there is no scope of forming terrors in India.

    There is one Proverb in English "If you try to beat the cat in closed room then the cat will react as a Tiger and it will beat the person who is trying to beat the cat and it will secure herself".

    That means if Cat can't bear if some one attacking unnecessarily on it, then the minority religions, as they are human being how they keep quite for their lose of lives it their community.

    I have one solution for stopping riots & terrorism in India, that one national / international electronic media should conduct one "debate" for the topic of "What is terrorism and how it come in Focus" and for this scholars from majority religion and scholars from minority communal have to attend. Then the common and innocent Indian people will came to know how the political leaders have creating riots in  different community.

    How shame of those political leaders who creating riots and killing many innocent people in India for sake of only vote banking. After death definitely they will go to h**l. h**l is waiting for those political leaders no doubt, who creating riots in India.

  15. Our administration is responsible for this.They have not accurate protection ,security and cleanliness in their system.They are not alert and disciplined.Indian administration need to encourage and develop qualitative security system.

  16. i dont think we can stop terrorism

  17. no one can stop them except their mentality they think they are doing good for their nation and religion but no nation or religion want blood .

    this is just the bad minds behind all these things.only terrorist and your alertness can stop all this .BUT WITH OUT CORRUPTION.  

  18. We need to a lesson or two in counter terrorism. After the 9/11 incident, there has been not even a single incident of terrorism. After the London bombing also, the British government has learnt its lesson. We need to be tough in enforcing our counter terror measures. The political parties and the leaders should arrive at a national consensus in tackling the menace. Leaders should stop issuing statements like Sushma Swaraj. Such leaders should be gagged. No question of appeasing the minorities. The law should be strengthened and new tough law with provisions for summary proceeding should be legislated. We need to enforce these measures like we are in a emergency. It is war and war like measures are a must.

  19. gvrnt should not allow to pakistani or bangladeshi to enter in BHARAT,now we must kill them completly.JAY HIND JAY BHARAT.

  20. To above answerer,how does it feel when victim of bomb blasts are from your family ? Did you say that we peacefully held talks with these terrorists ?No way.There is no other way than to destroy them.They are not Naxals Or ULFA who can have talks.Their intention is not only land but to destroy India.Common people should urge for a change in leadership as Present government is not able to handle terrorists.

    You are giving Mahatma gandhi's opinion but he was a promoter of peace not a coward.

  21. BY KEEPING POLICE IN RESINDENTIAL AREAS PEPOLE should inform police if they see any terrorist

  22. This terrerisom can be stopped in all over the world but for that we all should be aware about what is happining in our locality .If we want to stop all this then the basic need is our awareness and our unity. if once we decide for that and take interest  then nothing is impossible for us.

    So be "united and aware" and stop" terrerisom".

  23. after strong intelligence system and in presence of government, all this still happens. everyone is being blindfolded in some way, even the ministers who should be in charge of this.  

  24. shoot out the prson who is involved in these type of activities, as soon as it get proven that he is involved in the anty terrorist activities. with out wasting time in investigation & kept in the prison.then they have a fear, & think twise to involve in these type of activities.

  25. This is an universal problem. All countries in the world should unite and agree for a joint programme of elimination of terrorism. There should be hanging to death for the perople found guilty and should be hanged in open public to create a terror in the minds of terrorists. All people should co-operate in identifying all illegal activities. The security departments should be  adequately trained to combat terrorists. The politicians should leave the problem to the professionals and shoould not interfere. All should have aim to eliminate the word terrorism and terrorist from our dictionaries. Periodical meetings at international level should be held to review the status and counties not fulfilling the norms should be persued to tighten up.

  26. Moral education, the best solutions, starting in the initial schools, all over the world; otherwise they late,..very,..too late.., May help us,...including, 'THEM'.!

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