
How strange i have 4 brown freckles on my cheek (face) ?

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therediagonallyy oppositee another

how strange could this mean any thing

im 14 btw




  1. you could make something up.Like ever one in your family that has the mark are gifted

  2. In Romany tradition (Gypsy) moles and freckles on different areas of your face are meant to reveal different areas of your personality. look up Gypsy/Romany superstitions or "Face-reading" even if you don't believe it its interesting! :)

  3. its just a coincidence

  4. About as much significance as the mole on my left butt cheek.

    Not all that much.

  5. I like how you felt the need to specify that it was a face cheek, not a butt cheek. Funny stuff.

    And what exactly could it mean? You're going to be kidnapped by murderous aliens when you come of age? Yeah I think that's it. Beware! Ooga booga booga.

  6. You are growing a second head.

    Or it could just be moles.

    Hard to tell without a biopsy  

  7. my daughter  when she was 3 had like 6 never went away till 2 years ago she was 14. my friend told me it means a angel kissed ya..

  8. Doesn't mean anything.

    I have "twin" freckles, one on my right arm and one on my left arm. They're in the exact same location on the arms, and the same size/shape/color/etc. Heck, I've got a freckle on the bottom of my foot.

    It's just your body. Freckles are caused by sunlight on the skin, which releases melanin (a pigment) in certain spots. No big deal.

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