
How stressful is parenting?

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well i work at a daycare- and its hard to watch nine one year olds and not have them eat the books, throw the toys, eat off the floor, punch/hit each other, pull hair, scream, kick, bite, yell, etc.- its a very stressful job to put them to sleep for a nap, feed them, keep them entertainted for 6 hours- eat their snack, not the paper towel on the snack- some have gotten injured- the babies are always sick- its annoying to change throw up clothes- diapers smell so bad it makes me want to barf and its hard to keep them on the changing pad to change the diaper for a second- so i am looking for another JOB- but i am just wondering how stressful it must be for the parents of these 1 and 2 year olds- who don't sit in time out- throw things- try to hide under the tables- stand on the tables- stand on the chairs- its a stress mess and i don't even have kids- not like i'd want one- the screaming, crying, and yelling gives me a headache so bad- not to mention i get paid lousy $7. 50 an hour!




  1. OMG, I am a parent and I wouldn't want that job!  1 is enough right now. Not all kids are that way though, but it can be a tough job.

  2. Working in daycare is very stressful, but can be an enjoyable job with the correct help, and structure.

    I currently work in a church nursery and received one of the best complements last weekend, "These are the happiest kids." The person went on to explain ,ffshe believes, in most group settings there is always a problem.

    I try to put fires out before they become fires. It takes a good lead teacher, and a wonderful assistant(s) to achieve this type of calm classroom setting.

    As far as being a parent, it's less stressful in someways, and more stressful in others. There are fewer children to keep on eye on, and home should be a calmer setting than a daycare.

    On the other hand,  a parents has to many other things to do, and the focus isn't just the children. Dinner has to be made, bills paid, the house has to be cleaned (I know you do a lot of cleaning in the daycare but you can see the children. At home you maybe in a different room). And think about the running around, the stores, bank, and all with a child.

    But, there is nothing the hug of a child after a bad day, or hearing the laugh, or the love a child gives.

  3. your question is wrong..,

    it is a sweet time

  4. Parenting is really different from what you are talking about - first of all, it's YOUR love your own child, even when he/she is a terror.  Also, taking care of nine who are all the same age at once is not something parents usually do. :-)

    If the babies in your center are always sick, maybe the center isn't so great - my son was in a center where he was sick ALL the time - we stopped sending him b/c it just wasn't worth dealing with his illnesses (and getting sick ourselves).

    Also, maybe child care just isn't for you - it is a tough job.  Maybe you would be better off working with older kids?  Or maybe just something different all together - you could try to work for a temp agency so you could try different things.

    But don't let your work experience turn you off the idea of parenting...if you have a good partner who helps take care of your children and you are mature enough to keep schedules/routinues going in your home parenting can be a lot of also can be tiring, a little mindless, and frustrating at times, but if it's your own little one you are sacrificing for, it's worth it. :-)

  5. I have worked in a day nursery, and it can be hard work and stressful, but there are sometimes really good bits (like when a baby walks or speaks for the first time?) When the babies are your own, you usually only have one at a time, and because you are attached to them emotionally from pregnancy onwards, the good bits are even better (first smile, first time they call you 'mama'). Also, they cry less if they are at home, because they are not so stressed, They usually behave well, because you start setting the boundaries, subtly and unknowingly, from birth. They do not learn 'bad behaviour' like food throwing from other kids. bear in mind, though, that things like throwing or dropping food are not all about being bad, it is part of learning. Trust me, you would feel different about your own child. I was lucky, as I became an Early Years Professional after I had my own children.

  6. Parenting can be stressful if you have a "little terror" on your hands.  Luckily I have a very well behaved young man.  Of course, he does have his moments but most of the time (95%), he's in good spirits.  We, as parents, do not tolerate bad behavior.  Screaming is not allowed inside, hitting is not allowed, biting...we put a stop to, and we must use our manners at all times (please, thank you, etc.).  Time outs seem to work (when we're trying to hit mom w/ our plastic golf clubs).  And, we must keep our bottoms still when getting our diaper changed.  This is something that needs to be taught when the child is "new" / at birth!  

    As for your new job, there are plenty out there.  You just need to figure out what you want to do.  Doctors offices and hospitals always need help.  You can file, work the front desk, work in the gift shop, work in the cafeteria, stock shelves, and more.  The clerk of the circuit court seems to be hiring pretty regularly too (file room, etc.).  Good luck.

  7. well i am 27 a mom of 1 and i am opening a daycare soon just need a location however, if its not what u like jus stick with it until  u get something better to do. all the best!!!!!!!!

  8. I feel you girl on that !! Parenting is stressful enough for me not to have kids.  I work with speacial ed in the schools and do the same thing fortunatly some kids can stand as we 2 paras change them. they have 2 to a kid when it comes to changing time. that is why i cant wait to get perm so I can make 12 an hr I am now at 7:50 and hour. It sucks. But well worth it as it gives me time to do my business and off Holidays and Summer.

    It is a heck of alot better then my previous job though because they respect you and I can sit down at my own desk whereas before I could not do that. . Not all positions are where you have to change diapers though some are special ed in other areas but bodily coherent. Think of it also as a stepping stone to a better job. I know its hard but you will make it.

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