
How strict are you about your infant's exposure to second hand smoke?

by Guest61616  |  earlier

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I refuse to allow anyone to smoke in my home or car or near my 8-month-old daughter. But, I also worry about the grandparents who smoke outside and then come inside and want to hold my daughter. You know that odor they bring with them. Also, one set of grandparents smoke in their home. They promise not to smoke inside if my daughter stays with them, but the house still reeks of smoke. What would you do in these two situations? Thanks.




  1. I do not ever bring my children around smoke.  I recently read in a magazine that young children inhale more secondhand smoke then adults because they are breathing more breaths per minute.  I don't recall the exact details, but that was enough to reconfirm my decision.  We do not go to friends for families houses that smoke, they come to ours,  I think that it annoys them, but when it comes down to it, they all want what is best for my children too.

  2. Very strict.  My mother has barely seen her grandchildren as a result.  My health visitor said you should not let a smoker hold a baby for at least an hour since their last cigarette.

    Studies show even in children whose parents only smoke outside are affected.  

  3. I am very strict about this and I believe rightfully so.   Second hand smoke bothers my lungs and I know they are nowhere near as pink and healthy as my daughters.  I have they same problem with my in-laws and I don't let her go their house.  I f they want to see her they have to come hear or meet me somewhere.  Once in my house, I make it clear that you go out to smoke you are not coming back in.  My sister smokes and she comes to visit and I tell her that if I smell smoke, she is not allowed in.  Then I of course make her wash her hands and put a receiving blanket or on of my husband's shirts on.  And even if they don't smoke while your daughter is there the harsh chemicals are still in their house.  Good Luck and stick to your guns!

  4. I had this problem to. My grandmother smokes a lot and lives in a tiny little apartment. You seriously enter into "the fog" when you walk in. It is so bad. So I won't take my son over there unless she agrees to come outside. She complains all the time that she only lives a few blocks away and I never bring her only great grandson over to see her. I tell she can stop by my house anytime but she never does. I don't give in and it has been 2 years and she is still mad.

    My other grandparents live in Kentucky, but when I tell them we are coming to visit they stop smoking inside a few weeks ahead of time and my grandma cleans the house and when we get there you can't even tell then they smoke outside while we are there. I don't worry so much about them holding him but they don't hold him very much anyway.

    Lucky for me neither my parents nor my husband's parents smoke so we don't have such a huge problem. Do whatever feels best to you. You need peace of mind when it comes to your son.  

  5. both my daughter's ya-ya and pepa smoke they wash there hands and spray frebze before handling baby.  

  6. VERY!!!

    my parents smoked, my sister has asthma, luckily im ok. in our whole family, its only my parents who smoke, my BF family dont. so i only need to worry about it when i visit my parents.

    if i were you, id ask them to wear a coat when they smoke and take it off in the house and to wash their hands and face, mouthwash too if they are kissing baby. my BF used to smoke, he quit before our daughter was born, i used to make him smoke outside, came in wash his hands face and mouth and change his shirt. i think having to go to all the trouble just made him think 'is this really worth all this bother'

    ask the other grandparents to come to your home to visit.

  7. Hey, I have the same problem. I live with my parents and my dad smokes. He has NEVER smoked in the house. Even before my baby came along. He smokes outside only and will not even touch the baby without washing his hands first. I'm glad he's respectful about that. I know there's still some exposure there with his clothes and stuff.

    Then there's my one set of grandparents who have smoked in their home for at least 50 years. I have only taken my son there once, for christmas. I felt horrible about it. We only stayed 2 hours and called ahead of time to make sure no one was going to smoke in there when we there, and asked them to kind of air out the house before we came. I know it probably didn't help much, but I just avoid that house in most cases.  

  8. No one is allowed to smoke around my daughter. Period.

    My inlaws smoke, and they are fully aware that they are not to smoke around my daughter. She doesn't stay with them, as they also smoke in their house. Most of the time, they visit us, so she only gets very limited exposure. I want them to participate in her life, but at the same time I want what's best for my daughter. My mother smoked 2 packs a day when she was pregnant with me and my brother, and continued to do so for many years. (She did, however kick the habit about ten years ago.) We had so many health problems growing up, it was ridiculous. I never want my daughter to have to go through that. Good luck.

  9. My mom and dad smoked around me and my 5 brothers. None of us were effected by it. I don't see a problem with her Grandparents coming to see her, and her going to see her Grandparents.

    My wife and I smoke all the time, and our kids are fine. We even let the Grandparents visit, and let them visit the Grandparents. Both sets smoke too. No biggy. You shouldn't make yours one either.  

  10. Since I smoke myself I don't worry about it.  

  11. If your not comfortable then dont do it. You might regret it and maybe even develop some sort of hatred towards them. just follow your heart

  12. In my house, all smokers go outside.  When they come back in they wash their hands before having any contact with my kids.  If you are concerned about the odor, have them wear a special "smoking" shirt outside and take it off when they are inside.  My parents smoke in the home but don't when we come to visit.  

    Hope this helps.

  13. i dont allow anyone near my baby that smokes. even if they are done smoking, it stays on their clothes, and over time this can lead to lung problems-even though they are not smoking in front of them!

  14. I am very strict with my 8 month old son and second hand smoke but I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation. The only one in our familys that smoke is my husbands sister. And she doesn't see him that much.  

  15. I've been there.  Those who smoke have to put a receiving blanket over their clothes and wash their hands before holding my baby.  I don't bring my child to smokers' homes, period.  Those people can come to my home or meet up with us elsewhere.  

    In this day and age, everyone knows the dangers of secondhand smoke to children.  I make no apologies for my decisions.  Anyone who gives me a hard time about it is just selfish and thinking only of themselves.

  16. I grew up around it all of my life, and I was not harmed what so ever. That includes when my mother was pregnant with my sister and I, and right after we were born. My father was a 3 pack a day smoker. So smoke was all around the house. 3 of our grandparents smoked too, and they held us all of the time. So all this talk I feel is just parents being brainwashed by television. I'm living proof children survive it.

    I think you should let the grandparents visit their granddaughter. Let them come inside and hold her. It won't harm her. You keeping her from them could scar her for life.  

  17. I don't bring my son anywhere where theres smoke!! even if it means that I never get to see some of my friends. Alot of my family smokes and I don't bring him over there unless they air out their house and not smoke in it the entire time we are there. Now that he's older its not so bad but when he was younger i'd make everyone wash their hands if they had a smoke before they could tough him. Now he doesn't like to be held so that works.

    about 2 weeks ago we had to go to a fueneral and where they had the wake everyone was smoking so we sat out side for a while. my mil was so pi$$ed at me she thought I was being so rude and disrespectful. She got family members to approach me and try and change my mind! One asked and I quote what is so special about this one? there are other baby's in there and one isn't even a week old.

    LMAO my reply the special thing about LAITON is I care enough about him to no subject him to poison, even if it means I have to miss out on the action.

    then another asked ohhhh he has breathing problems??? Nope I'm just preventing them for him.

    One .....lady i suppose tried to take his stroller from me and push him in to the lobby! is that not the rudest thing???? I just told her my son is 10 months old in my eyes thats way too young to smoke!

    I don't care who I offend when it comes to my child I am going to do what I feel is best for him regardless of who it make hurt, upset/anger

    I'm the one that has to feel like a good mama at the end of the day!!

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