
How strict are your parents?

by Guest45251  |  earlier

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molly. it's 8:21

feeling your pain, though lol




  1. My mom is insanely strict!! I cant go to any ones house other then my two best friends (shes friends with there parents) but my bestfriends invite people over and **** like that so i get to do everything shes trying to stop me from doing.  

  2. My parents are very strict.

    I'm not going to get into it fully, but basically:

    I must have a 98 or above in all of my honors and AP classes.

    If I made a 99 on a test, I'm grounded if another kid made a 100.

    I don't HAVE chores, but I'm EXPECTED to do things.

    I must hold my position in advanced dance.

    I dropped out of orchestra, but I was concert mistress for 2 years in a row because I HAD to be.

    I MUST make varsity on all sports I participate in, and I participate in 3 during the 3 seasons of school, therefore I am barely ever home since we practice 7 days a week for 187 days of school.

    There's more, but basically the big one is my grades.

    It's an A+ or nothing in my family.

    A 97 is ****. That doesn't exist.

    98 is a B, 99 is an A, 100 is an A+.

    I'm expected to graduate in the Top 5.

    & I'm expected to become a "famous engineer for history-sake".

    I'm not asian btw ahahah.

    The thing is, my parents are only like that around academics.

    I can have a life, I can party, I can be gone until midnight (as long as I call).

    I have fun, I enjoy my life, I love playing those sports, I love dancing, I love making good grades.

    It's a lot of studying, but honestly, I learned to like studying.

    It's a habit my parents pushed on me and now I do it to myself.

    If I make a 97, I'm pissed off at myself because I KNOW that I could have done better.

    My parents did me right, they set me on the right track and I'm proud.

  3. *anything below an A is completely unacceptable and equals punishment and grounding.

    * I'm submitting an appplication to a prestigious private school and if I don't get in I'm toast

    * when it comes  to sports/ extra curricular activities  I must be the best I can be that means varsity soccer and such and if I'm doing drama I have to get a REALLY good part or else I'm punished

    * church every sunday morning

    sunday school every sunday night

    * have to go to school every day even when I don't feel well

    * They expect me to be the top of my graduating class if not valedictorian

    * if you're not taking advanced honors classes you are a fool. Get your grades up and get into all honors classes.

    * no swearing or disrespect to others EVER

    * only one hour of combined TV and computer daily even if you have homework to do on the computer

    * no writing on hands

    * can't listen to any explicit music

    * all clothes must be big, anything else is considered inappropriate

    * no cable TV. There are bad things on it.

    * no my-space or face book.

    * no makeup

    * in bed at 8:00 asleep at 9:00. Even on summer and weekends.

    * outings with friends are limited.

    * Sleepovers with friends=no

    * mom checks email dad checks all Internet acess

    * have to stay by my mom at all times

    * can't stay home alone

    * no s*x until after marriage (I'm actually thankful for these three

    * no smoking

    * no alcohol

    * can't ride school bus

    * mom decides whether people I'm friends with are good influences and if they're not I can't be friends with them anymore

    * can't date

    I'm 13

  4. My mom is really cool, I'm 15 and I've proven to her that I'm mature enough to take care of myself. She doesn't give me a curfew, bedtime, she lets me go wherever I want. I don't drink or smoke or do any of that anyways, so I'm not the one to come home intoxicated. I pretty much get everything I want, you could say I'm spoiled, even though I have 3 little sisters, a younger stepbrother and a little stepsister.

    So yeah, I can't complain. And I'm a straight-A student if that matters.

  5. Not strict at ALL, but that's also because I don't abuse my freedom. They know I'm not out drinking and doing drugs, sleeping with boys and other stupid things people my age do. (and I don't do any of it). I also pretty much get whatever I want, and I'm pretty spoiled, so I almost owe it to them to not go out and do stupid things.

  6. they are pretty strict

    whenever i'm out with my friends, and there is a change of plans, like instead of walking to one place, we decide to walk somewhere else, i have to call

    if i forget to turn in my homework one time they get really pissed

    make me clean the kitchen every other day, make me vacuum around the house, and clean the bathroom once a week

  7. It changes my mom acts really biplor........~xoxo ally*

  8. They're not very strict at all.......They have expectations, but they don't really enforce many rules......

    My brother and I don't usually make bad choices anyway, so they know they can trust us........

  9. my parents aren't strict

  10. my parents aren't that strict

    everything that i am doing now is all upon me, they are just there for me

    honors and AP classes.. officer for biggest club.. tennis team.. everything i do is from me and my own ambitions

    and because of my own ambitions to be great.. they don't have to instill that into me.. which is why they aren't strict  

  11. My parents haven't really given me rules, they are more like "get to's." lol.

    Like, I "get to" call them when my plan changes.

    I "get to" be home by 11pm, if I am driving. (if I am not the one driving, it doesn't really matter)

    I "get to" make good grades.

    I "get to" go where I want, with who I want for the most part. (unless it is something crazy)

    I "get to" not be stupid And if i'm not, the other stuff doesn't really matter because it just naturally falls into place.

    I respect my parents and know what is expected of me.

    I'm 16 and I graduated from high school early.

  12. My mom isn't really strict, but my dad is!  He freaks out if he sees a fake tatoo on my arm or something and he won't drive me to my friends house.  He sais I can walk and hour.  Yea there's a lot more lol.

  13. my parents are very strict.

  14. Not strict at all. They're pretty cool.

  15. So,so.

    Their not THAT bad...Their better than most parents when it comes to that stuff but I don't really know yet because I'm 11, about to be 12. But I'm allowed to wear make up, dress pretty much how I want(Nothing S****y lol) and I can go to the movies alone with my friends. And go to lock ins which are really fun. I'm allowed to have a boyfriend but no kissing yet or actual dates. I have a myspace, I dye my hair, i have a cell phone, etc. But they get mad at little stuff sometimes like writing on my arm, hands, anywhere and if I do that I get yelled at. I get straight A's, and never even had a B. I don't do chores, my mom cleans my room..You could say I'm really spoiled, cause I am. My moms nosey though, checks over everything in my room, tries to read my e-mail, and MUST see my myspace at least once a week to make sure "I'm not up to anything that I shouldn't be" and ask me about everything thats happened if I go somewhere without her. I have been allowed to go to sleepovers since I was 6, as long as they met the parents. I have unlimited access to the computer/tv. I talk on the pone and text all the time(My mom also reads my texts lol) And if I get anything below an A, they act disappointed..(I got a B once on a test, it was h**l but ya I think thats the only B I have ever gotten)..I am in all the AP classes at my school and G&T as well(Gifted and talented) I do cuss sometimes, technically I am not allowed to, I do anyways and parents don't know(I know I shouldn't but what the h**l?) "Shut up" or "Sucks" is considered a "No no" word around here. And I must be nice to all my brothers and sisters even if their mean to me. I'm a good kid, I don't sneak out or anything like that even though most kids my age already do.. But ya, those are my parents.

  16. i used to think that they were sooo much !!

    dad-arm seargant

    mum-lawyer(now a full time mum though)

    but well when i got pregnant (im 14 and 4months gon)

    i realized that they ACT scary,they are not

    they cant kill me for it,so they have to support if they love me(which every parent should)

    but my mum is so understanding,we seem to get on more now :P

    which is weird bcoz we NEVER understood each other,which is one of the reasons i run out the houose one evening and got pregnant(with a best mate but well still pregnant)...she knows her faults now and i learn on my mistakes thats why adoption is the best option for me

    gives a family a baby and makes me not a murderer

    well easily said,then done

    thx for reading,try finding something that links u with ur mother or father,the DEFO have a spot thats weak if they ACT tough


  17. *I'm 15 year old sophomore, who takes all honors classes, does both concert and marching band, is the philanthropist of her Beta club, has a boyfriend of a little over a year, and I have a 13 year old younger brother. I live with my stepdad, mom, and bro, as well as my 3 stepsisters whenever my stepdad has visitation.

    When it comes to my school/academic life, I:

    - can make nothing less than a B on my report cards, or I get punished/grounded.

    - have to be ready for school for no later than 7:15

    - have to attend all school/band/extra curricular related functions that I am "dedicated" to.

    (my mom and stepdad's rules; my biological father has no control over this)

    - have a "bed time" of 10, which we both know I haven't followed since 8th grade.

    When it comes to my outside/party life, I:

    - cannot drink unless I'm at home.

    - can sleep at friend's house, most of the time, as long as I ask at least a day or two in advance.

    - can drive here and there, in short distances, without an adult (mom only); my stepdad doesn't want me driving so I can only do it whenever he's not around.

    - can go to the movies with my friends, as long as I have permission to go, and see whatever movie I wish to.

    - Can stay out as long as I want, as long as I have made plans to get home (whether it's with her or not) or I sleep at a friend's.

    When it comes to my boyfriend life, I:

    - "cannot" have s*x until marriage, or until I move out of the house.

    - cannot be alone with my boyfriend upstairs, at any time!

    - can go to his house whenever I feel like it, as long as I have permission first.

    - cannot make out in front of the family/their friends (but it's not like I want to)

    - cannot sleep at his house/place he is sleeping, whether other's are there are not.

    - he, very, very, rarely can sleep at my house, of course with permission from both my parents and his, and only when my stepdad is not home. even then, we cannot sleep in the same room.

    - I have to be home for no later than 10:30, unless she is picking me up, and then I just call whenever I'm ready to come home.

    *He's 16; turning 17 in October


  18. about to turn 16.

    When I was younger, the rules were:

    -don't say "oh my god", or any curse-ish words, eg, suck, ***, crud

    -get straight A's... or else!

    -altar serving every Sunday morning

    -I couldn't leave the house without my parents until I was 13

    -I have never been home alone

    -No going to parties unless my parents are waiting outside

    -I can't go to the movies without them

    -No hanging out in groups of friends where there is an equal proportion of boys to girls.

    -No watching TV except on Friday and Saturday

    -Up until age 12, I couldn't lock my door

    -I had to pray the rosary every day

    -I wasn't, and still aren't, allowed to go to sleepovers

    -Practice piano every day

    My parents loved corporal punishment.

    Now they want to know where I am 24/7, all the freaking time

    -I can't make my own decisions

    -I can't have a boyfriend

    -I'm not even allowed the tiniest sip of wine

    -I can't even practice driving

    -I can't get a permit, for insurance reasons

    -No DIY, that is, no modifying my clothes

    -Only one piercing on each ear allowed

    -No cursing

    -No dyed hair

    -No ripped jeans

    -No concerts

    -No parties

    -No sarcasm

    -No openly disagreeing with any of their views

    -I must have the cell phone ON and with me at ALL times, or if i fail to answer they assume I'm doing something bad behind their back.

    They always assume I'm doing something bad behind their back. Sshit!!!

    They don't trust me at all, and little things set them off. they are very explosive.

    I wasn't allowed home alone OR to have sips of wine because my parents said it was "illegal". Never mind there would be no ******* way of anyone ever finding out if it was in the ******* privacy of my own ******* home. *calms down*


    Ironically, they were pretty lenient on movies. I was pretty much allowed to watch all the gore and blood I could possibly want, but s*x was *evil*. -_______-

    Yeah, I'm a straight-A student at a prestigious high school whose only classes are either Honors or APs. Don't get me wrong, I'm very ambitious. I had a choice between three prestigious schools, one of them being an art school for the gifted, and two catholic schools where I got a full scholarship.

    I'm a good fcuking kid. And h**l, I would never do any of that sshit all the other kids my age are doing. If i ever DARE disobey them, they make a scene, and make ME look like the goddamn criminal.

  19. i'm 14 and my sis is 17 we both have to be in bed by 8 and it is still summer we can't go to any house were there are guys at cant call people on phone unless it is about homework cant have a cell have to be up by 8 in morning cant wear make up or nail poslish can't date boys they are so strict but i guess it just means that they luv us

  20. Not strict.  At all. My Dad's a jerk most of the time but he buys my cigarettes and all that stuff so I can't call him strict.  Little things set him off though, like if he sees that I drew on my arm with a pen or something he'll yell at me.

  21. not really that strict. my family is filled with drunks and druggies sooo my dad doesnt really care. im 13. i leave when i want and do whatever i want. but the difference is i dont drink and i dont do drugs. im kinda a thief at times and i do get in trouble but im now like some stupid out of control kid on the streets. at my moms on the other hand...shes so worried all the time that up to now she hasnt let me do ANYTHING. when i was littler i couldnt even cross the street without her or ride in the front seat. now i get out more but back then it was just suffocating.

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