
How strict is airport security in Christchurch?

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How strict is airport security in Christchurch?




  1. Duty Free Allowances

    All persons must be 17 years or older to be eligible for alcohol and tobacco allowances.

    A traveller can bring the following quantities of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages into Christchurch, free of charge provided the goods accompany them.

    Tobacco allowances

    200 cigarettes, or

    250 grams of tobacco, or

    50 cigars, or

    a mixture of all three weighing not more than 250 grams.

    Alcoholic Beverages

    4.5 litres of champagne, wine, port, sherry or beer

    one bottle containing not more than 1125ml of spirits, liquers, or other spirituous beverages.

    Providing you have spent under $700 on non-personal goods, and are 17 years and over (must be 18 years to purchase liquor and tobacco in New Zealand) you may bring in an additional 2 (1125ml) bottles of spirits added to the duty free allowances stated above (provided the duty and GST value payable is less than $50 ) and must be declared to Customs on arrival.

    Quantities imported in excess of the allowances, or that are housed in containers greater than the maximum stipulated bottle size are liable for Customs charges

    Go to link and check it out!

  2. As with ALL international ports in NZ and Australia, they are very particular about what you can bring into the country.

    You are not allowed to bring in ANY food or things made from wood/shells/plant materials/seeds/leaves/honey. This is to protect their fragile environment from foreign pests and diseases.

    As for general security, the airports are not as strict as the US but still I wouldn't be bringing in any drugs or guns etc...

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