
How strict is the drinking age enforced in Puerto Rico. Could a travelling 17 year old get drinks.?

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How strict is the drinking age enforced in Puerto Rico. Could a travelling 17 year old get drinks.?




  1. they're ususally not enforce in the interiror of the island, only in san juan metro area

  2. Oh, yes! Just don't go crazy and stand out so obviously that you will end up in trouble.

  3. If  You look  17  NOP...They  ask  for  ID  everywhere ...

  4. if you look 17 you will probably be ok.  if you look ten, you might have some trouble.  Even if they did strictly enforce it, i dont think you would land in prison.

  5. No, no, no!  In Puerto Rico, at 18, you shouldn't be drinking either.  If you've seen kids of 17 or under doing this, they've been hiding from their parents or Police.

    You should'nt also drink & drive 'cause you'll get a $500 ticket and jail.  And if you're under 21, maybe the penalty it's harder.  In PR, you should be inside a liquour store to drink.  You can't even be walking in the street while drinking.  That's the law.

    Again... if you've seen children under 21 doing any of these I've just mentioned here, they've been hiding and that's illegal.  If you want to have a good time in Puerto Rico, please don't imitate.

  6. If the 17 year old looks slightly older, he might just pass by through some bouncers, it all depends on the spot. If he asks ID, you'll be out of luck.

    Of course, the legal age to drink/purchase alcohol is 18. But if you move to the interior of the island, as previously stated, some won't mind giving drinks to underage people (kind of part of the culture, lol)

    Try to have a guide or someone with knowledge of the interior of the island, since a tourist or someone with no familiarity of the island can get lost. Also drive safely, since there are a lot of curves and it gets foggy this time of year in the mountains.

    Edit: When I mean interior of the island, I mean in the mountains, some areas near the coastline, like Mayaguez or Ponce are not AS strict as San Juan, strict nonetheless. It just depends on where you go.

  7. that last message is completely wrong....Puerto Rico's legal drinking age is 18 years...and lately clubs are more strict in asking for id's but you can still get alcohol if that is what you clubs or bars they wont ask you for id especially if you look 18..if you come for a special occasion like San sebastian street you can buy in many places without someone asking for parties like that you usually see young teens drinking for the first time...13 years old an so...and if they ask you for id and you dont have any..they wont sell you..nothing cops or anithing..and once you have alcohol no one will bother you so aslong as you dont drive you will be ok

  8. I've seen some kids that look about 10 drinking, so not very hard.  Most people drink extremely heavily from around 5 in the morning until 3 the next morning.  It is not uncommon to see people carrying 3 - 4 drinks at once at many places.  There is lots of shattered glass all around as a result of not being able to carry them all at same time.

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