
How strict will you be in your parenting? ?

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Were your parents strict in your upbringing? Do you think that your parenting will reflect that, or will you be more lenient with your child(ren)?

What sorts of things will you allow/not allow them to do?




  1. I don't think I will be very strict at all, which is similar to how I was raised.

    I want to foster independence and confidence in my kids, and encourage them to develop ethics and morals to which they hold themselves accountable to

    One thing I will do that's different from what my parents is that I want to have open communication. There are a lot of tabboo topics in my family, and I want my kids to feel comfortable coming to me about everything.  

  2. I was raised by a single Mother who really couldn't have cared less what I did. So many times I've thought back to stupid things I did and wish my Mom had stopped me. She was a flower child and thought it was cute when I tried to wear a handkerchief for a shirt to school when I was 12. Also thought it was fine for me to wear tons of make-up when I was 10. I can't count how many boy/girl sleepovers I had. She told me if I didn't like school I might as well quit. I hadn't even considered it before that. So, of course, I did. I think being strict with children shows them that you love them.That you care about them.  

  3. My parent's were somewhat strict but not really. I am the same with my kids. It really all depends on what is going on. Like I have a 12 yr old son that is friends with some of the high school boys that are about to get their drivers license. He is not going to be allowed to ride in the car with them for at least another yr. I am over cautious about it and I want to make sure they are safe drivers (no tickets etc.) It really all depends on what's going on for me. I use my best judgement for each situtaion.

  4. My parents were very strict.  I felt like I had a leash tied around me at all times.  They hardly allowed me to do anything-  parties, going to friends' houses, get my ears pierced, school dances, didn't think I should date til I got to college.  Well that didn't work because I rebelled and moved out a month after my 18th bday.  I still have a strained relationship with both my parents.  My son is almost 7-  I am strict when it has to do with anything that could harm him and he knows that he should be respectful of others, share, clean up after himself, have good manners and table manners.  But I try not to make all the choices for him-  I try to let him be independent -  try to be lenient- eventually you have to let them go and they have to think for themselves.  My philosophy is let them think for themselves as early as they can and be there to guide them - hopefully as an example instead of preaching.  And be there for them if they make a mistake.  You have to make mistakes in order to learn from them.  

  5. I was raised in a very strict upbringing.  I am also very strict with my boys.  And they are toddlers.  

    As of right now, we do not allow temp tattoos, band-aid tattoos, toy guns of any kind, sweets, chocolate milk, or them to say with others.  As they get older, more will be added to the list.

  6. I like to think of more as consequent and consistent than strict.  I will lay down the rules and stick with them.  

    I see parents again and again screaming at their children to do something or not do something, but they don't actually follow-through.  The follow-through is the KEY.  That doesn't mean you are strict, it means you are consequent.

    Being too lenient or wanting to be a peer instead of a parent is the worst mistake you can make.

  7. I think i'd be strict, but give in at times. I shouldn't barricade them, but let them experience somethings. I was barricaded for a long time, and acted rebellious. Then I ran away when I was 16, because I couldn't take them no more, and living on my own since 18. My Sister sneaks out and that's because they never give in, so she finds no point to ask.

    Its good to be strict with boundaries, but as they grow up, parents got to treat them their age and not a little kid no more, though I understand it's hard to let go. Hmm they got to meet in the middle.

  8. My dad and mom had a different approach. My Dad was strict and stern, while my mom was warm, but not spoiling my brother and I.

    We were allowed to go outside, watch tv, but we had an early bedtime, we didnt play video games for years, and they taught us good values. Honestly, give them what they want to make them happy, but dont do anything that could s***w up their development. Dont give the kid video games- I keep getting on Call of Duty 4 and hear 6-7 year olds cuss me out while lighting me up with an assault rifle. Dont give them a private computer, leave it public, and keep an eye on them. they'll learn to accept it.

  9. I don't want to be one of those parents that lets my kid(s) get away with anything, but I think I'll let them have some independence.  I never got any from my parents and it hasn't done me any good in life.  

    I could go on forever about activities I would or wouldn't let them do, so I'll stay away from answering that, sorry.

  10. i'll be like my parents. they did a good job raising me!

    i would tell my kid when they did something wrong and react accordingly, but i would also let them get their nose pierced when they're 14.

  11. My parents were not strict at all. I actually got very little discipline and had very little boundary's.

    I am not a parent yet. But I do feel like children do need discipline and boundary's and i will be somewhat strict with them to as what they can and cannot do and what they can and cannot get away with.

    Today many adults do not take the role as adults and parents, and they let their kids walk all over them and other authoritative figures and they end up  getting exactly what they want, which isn't right.

  12. I think I will be strict with my children.  Not as strict as my mother, but I want my children to respect others and their possessions.  I want them to be welcomed in other's home and be able to care for themselves (picking up after them selves etc).

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