
How strong a prescription are your glasses/contacts?

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I have -7 on my contacts and -8 on my glasses




  1. Hey!

    I just replied to your message :).

    Anyways, nice question.

    My glasses are a little over -9.5 (they're stronger) and my contacts are -9.5.  

    But yesterday, I went to the eye doctor and my vision got a bit more worse so she gave me a pair of -10 contacts to try.

    I'm really very blind haha.

  2. real strong but not that strong its a genetic thing im 13 and i got glassed last spring but my mom didn't get glasses until my youngest brother was a toddler

  3. My contacts are -7, but I don't know what my glasses are.  My eyesight is very bad =(

  4. I have -3.5 and -3.25 on my contacts and i don't know about my glasses because I know that they are different. My sight is worce than my moms but yours is worse than mine. wow!!!

  5. I think my contacts are -4.25 in one eye and -4.75 in the other. Not sure about my glasses.

  6. Contacts sit on the eye whereas glasses sit approximately 12 mm in front of the eye.  Therefore, we have to vertex or alter the prescription to account for that distance.  The higher the prescription, the bigger the change in prescription.  We generally only have to start doing that for -4.00 and higher.  So your glasses are stronger because they sit farther away from your eye.  If you've ever pushed your glasses up on your nose or even tilted them up you'll notice it gets clearer than if you pull them away from your eyes.  This works just the opposite for far-sighted people.

  7. I'm not too sure.  All I really know is that one eye is just near sighted whilst the other eye is near sighted and has astigmatism also.  Kind of freaked out my ophthalmologist.

  8. my contacts and glasses are the same -4.75

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