
How strong does alcoholic beverage need to be to burn?

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How strong does alcoholic beverage need to be to burn?




  1. it needs to have at least 25% if you want a good strong burn. you get slight burn with any liquor like 15% and over though.

    EDIT: Oh, wait did you mean burn going down your throat or burn as in flamebreathing? i was talking about alcohol burn in your mouth and throat when you drink it.

  2. I think it varies on your experience drinking along with, of course, the strength of the liquor.

    I've drank some red wine that burns a bit going down - and it was only 13% abv.

    If your talking about actually setting on fire, the only alcohol i've seen that is really flammable is bacardi 151 and everclear/grain alcohol - so significantly over 100 proof.

  3. To see the flame and light it with a lighter you need alcohol that is 100 proof. (50%) alcohol.

  4. Anything over 40% (all hard liquor) will burn slightly, but it'll be faint and weak and you won't see much. The higher the ABV the better the flame, so get something above 50%

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