
How strong is this tablet (Zopiclone) 7.5 mg?

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How strong is this tablet (Zopiclone) 7.5 mg?




  1. I guess the first question is, "compared to what?"  You've told us nothing about your drug history or experience taking Zopiclone or other synthetic hypnotics, and your question has an implicit comparison.  So no one really can answer your question without you providing more information.

    Having said that, I'm guessing you've never used Zopiclone or any other synthetic hypnotics before (or you would have asked, "How strong is 7.5mg Zopiclone compared to 50mg of Ambien" or something like that.)  If that's true, then you need to know that Zopiclone will put you to sleep. And 7.5mg will really knock you out, and leave you with an incredible hangover the next day, if you've never used it before. (The standard Zopiclone dosage is 5mg).

    I take 1.25mg from time to time for sleep onset insomnia, and it puts me into a lullaby land within 20 minutes. It's all I need. I once went through a bad a period when I needed to increase the dosage to 7mg. Nothing but an elephant tranquilizer gun would do. But I quickly went back to 5mg after two nights of that.

    DO NOT take any amount of Zopiclone, but especially a 7mg tablet, with any other sedatives or central nervous system depressants, unless you want to end up in a coma or worse, with your weeping relatives by your bedside, asking how you could have ended up like Heath Ledger when you had so life left in you.  This means no alcohol (up to four hours before taking Z), sleep meds (prescription or OTC), antihistamines, Xanax, or herbal sedatives for that matter (hops, Valerian root).  If you're dead set on taking Zopiclone (and I would want to know why), start with 3.5mg dose. (The tablets split easily). That ought to knock you out plenty. If it doesn't, then you can increase the dosage by 50% again (1.75mg).  Take it with plenty of water, avoid alcohol for eight hours afterwards, don't try to operate any vehicles the next morning...and watch out for that metallic aftertaste. Don't say I didn't warn you.

  2. it will effect people different and what has been said is true that they can zonk u out but it does depend on each individual.I know for a fact that 15 mg has not worked on people but others have taken 3.75 mg and it knocks them out so best to try it in small dosages first and see how you isn't a long term solution though.all best

  3. This Is a Hypnotic drug used to aid sleep.You should not take these for more than around 4,weeks as you may become dependant on them. Talk to your GP. for an alternative.If these tablets are not prescribed for you they could be extremely dangerous.

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