
How strong where the Neanderthals in terms of physical power. can they be compared to the average human male?

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or where they like wrestler/ or weightlifters/ bodybuilders. this is a serious question i am doing a report for physical anthro for my class or where there 5 foot 5 and a half body more power then that even?




  1. The average female Neandertal was comparable to our best weight lifters in musculature. The neandertal male with his shorter limbs & heavy body probably had about 50% more muscle than the NFL lineman & about the same body weight. Their grip, leg & arm were very heavily muscled & although they were very short, probably weighed in excess of 250 lbs. However they were not built for speed as was the Sapien.

  2. Neantherthals were definitely a lot bulkier than an average human male.  They had bigger frames and thus, were more powerful in physical strength.   I wouldn't say they were like wrestlers or bodybuilders.  That's too extreme.  Yes, Neanderthals  were big and yes, they have muscles, but not to the point of using steroids, which didn't even exist back then.  Everything they had were obtained through hunting large animals and surviving in the land.

  3. For what reason do you want to compare apes with humans?. All primates are bi-pedal, IE: they only have two legs, and that is all we have in common with apes. plumerboy.

  4. Above the average human male but below wrestlers and bodybuilders. It's because they usually had more exercise than modern day humans, but strong humans usually are huge and strong (and most of the time, well trained), which makes Neanderthals no match for strong people.

  5. Neanderthal were a stocky group, who had barrel chests, a large ling capacity for the colder climates. They had wide hips for trudging but, couldn't keep up in a foot race due to the way their legs and hips were structured.

        Their stomachs were able to digest raw meat or even bad meat without effect and, they probably ate grasses and raw grains, anything you might say that didn't stand still.

         Average male was quicker, could run long distances due to structure of the hips and legs, they could run circles around the Neanderthal. They would loose in a arm contest or a wrestling match.

          The Neanderthal had larger teeth for the raw grains the ate also. They had larger jaw muscles for the same purpose.

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