
How stupid does McCain thinks women are?

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Do you think Hillary supporters are gonna vote for him just because he has a woman as his VP. Palin stands against everything Hillary stands for. If Hillary supporters vote for McCain they were obviously just supporting her cause she's a woman not for her ideology and accomplishment. Voting just to have a woman in power for the wrong reasons is not empowering woman. If Hillary wasn't in the democrats presidential picture would have McCain picked her over Mitt Romney?




  1. EXACTLY! McCain just made a huge gamble and it's not working in his favor. He thinks many women out there are really stupid. Bad move, John McCain.

    Obama/Biden '08

  2. I was for Hillary and nothing  the Republicans can do to make me vote for a Bush re-run.

  3. Well I think he knows the educated women are not going to fall for this stunt but it will work for the uneducated country redneck hicks, soccer moms, etc, that want a female leader.  If Hillary was not in the picture there is NO WAY McCain would pick a woman as his running mate.  

    America please vote with your brains this time. (Bush twice - common people)

    Pallin cant be compared to Hillary! I know the argument says Pallin is just the Vice President but she could be the President as McCain is 73, what will happen to America then?  Her husband isn't even First Gentleman Material compared to Bill Clinton!

  4. You know what.. there are a lot of hillary supporters who just may vote for Palin... what do they have to lose.

    Obama literally spit in the face of their candidate.. so I guess he doesn't need them anyway.

    I am one who will definitely change my vote ... the party was not that important.. but integrity is.. and Obama has none!

  5. I agree with you! Personally as a female voter I can say I'd much rather vote for Obama, who has a good voting record on women's health and women's issues, than a social conservative like McCain with a socially conservative female vp.

  6. Not stupid at all.  McCain listens to what america wants.  That's to see women advance.  It hurts to see that your god Obama made the worst decision ever by not picking Hillary.  Get over it Obamazombie

  7. It's patronizing and insulting to all women. Just shows the thinking of these people, very small thinking.  It shows how little value they place with women voters in general.  He looks like the biggest hypocrite, he pounces on Obama on and on about lacking experience meanwhile you select your second in command with even less!

    Huh, how does that make ANY sense whatsoever. So it is obvious and apparent to any logical thinking person (regardless of which party) he selected an attractive former pageat winning, soccer mom with a newborn with a disability turned mayor then governor who has no significant achievements a running mate to a man who is 72 years old with medical issues.  And made that announcement the day after the DNC ended.  When all the excitement of the news ends and the reality starts to penetrate the minds of the "not so dumb middle class" people will realize.


  8. yeah, regardless of gender, she is still an amazing candidate hands down

    15 thumbs down, fugk you guys

    ok, if the democratic party wins, i hope you are still happy when you get the h**l taxed out of you, and i hope your all happy when socialized health care rolls around.

  9. No, McCain choose her because she represents the changing of the guard, anti-Washington insider, anti lobbyist, reformer that Obama pretends to want

  10. He did not bring Palin onboard in order to court Clinton supporters, though I am sure he will get some. He did it because it was a shrewed political decision.

    Palin brings executive experience to the table, which the other three guys in this race lack. She has had to deal with a legislature, run a multi agency organization, and prepare a government budget.

    She also helps to secure the social conservative voters. They are a little shaky with McCain due to several maverick turns he has taken. But Palin is a solid pro lifer, even refusing to abort her downs syndrome son. That will go a long way, especially when compared to Obama n Biden's positions.

    She also blunts Obama's rock star like draw, beign the first republican female VP candidate. that makes gives her some celebrity status much like Obama's skin color gave him. Also, when the VP debates come around, Biden cannot go at her in his usual ham fisted fashion. He would come off as a sexist bully. Instead he has to go against her in a gentlemanly fashion, which tempers his role as the democratic attack dog that Obama needs him to be.

    All in all, Ithink the selection has a lot less to do with Clinton and everything to do with supporting McCain.

  11. Whats wrong with a woman vp I dont like Obama before he picked her she has more exp then him she fought big oil in AK I was for McCain after Hillary its not about the vp its about whos running Biden is same old poltics

  12. Not quite as stupid as Obama!  Obama talks the talk of change for women.

    McCain again ACTS!  Go Palin!

    Real Reform.  Real Change.

  13. No McCain doesn't and the Democrats miss the point.

    McCain just added distance between himself and Bush and will continue to do so.

    She does provide some pros for McCain

    Someone who is a strong enviromentalist

    Someone who can talk about how oil/gas drilling and production has helped the svoters of the state.

    A Washington outsider.

    No she wasn't selected to replace Clinton no one can

    But there are Reagan Democrats who voted for Hillary who will relate and vote for McCain

    Her main focus is the Republican base McCain will go into the combative states

  14. Well actually its working. There are a lot of so-called "feminist" Hillary Supporters that said they want McCain as soon as he announced Mrs. Palin as his VP. Check it out on YouTube.

  15. I agree. Her anti-abortion stance, and her possible involvement in using her position the get her ex-brother-in-law fired because he was in a custody battle with her sister shows me a woman who stands by her beliefs for herself and s***w what the rest of the world needs. She goes against women's rights and men's rights as far as i'm concerned: So, what voters are left that she does stand up for?

  16. McCain don't vote for him, he's just trying to put some stuff in to stay in the election, but knows he's gonna lose.

  17. I think apolitical women who were only supporting Hillary Clinton because she's a woman might cross over. I think committed female Democrats are probably not going to cross, unless they're just so bitter that they want to teach the Democrats a lesson. They would have to be incredibly candidate-focused and NOT party-focused. And women, I'm sorry to say, tend to be that way in politics. They often come out for a particular issue or a particular candidate and aren't as necessarily party loyal as men. Of course, most of Hillary's supporters are probably Democrats at heart. Democrats enjoy identity politics, so it stands to reason that Democrat women would make a big fuss out of the fact that Hillary has a v****a.

    So, I'm sure SOME women will cross over, but probably not enough to make this a slam dunk for McCain. What it will do is invigorate the Republican Party, maybe enough to turn out in large numbers.  

  18. Of course McCain wouldn't have picked Hillary.  Palin is far better.

  19. Oh, i see. Only Dems can pick a woman as a candidate and mean it. The Republicans MUST have an ulterior motive. My God people, you are cynical morons.

  20. I concur completely!  As a woman, I would not vote for a woman if I did not agree with what she stood for.  This woman sounds like an oxy moron and will not earn McCain more votes just for having a v****a.

    I am thrilled that McCain chose her, it seals the deal for Obama & Biden

  21. I voted for Hillary as the dem candidate. Because McCain has a woman running with him - well that makes no difference to me. I will vote for Obama for president even though McCain has a woman as his running mate. I wish Obama's running mate was Hillary - for her ideas not her gender.

  22. The conservatives do not trust Romney, and if your upset because he picked a woman, with a history of leadership, taking on corruption and solving problems, they need to relax.  Yes, it will help with those upset by Hillary's loss, but she is more competent then Obama.

  23. I think McCain was trying to stir people to think about him so he could start s******g this country even more than its been screwed. Palin wants to outlaw abortion she believes all women should be like her have 5 kids or so and keep them coming boom the population problem. Not to mention look at how hypocritical McCain looks here he goes on and on about Obama's inexperience yet McCain chooses a vp with less experience than Obama!

    I gotta laugh at the way the conservatives try to explain it away though.

  24. How stupid does Obama think we are?

    You dems are freaking out I think it's great watching all these left wing pundits: what are the Hillary supporters going to do?

    NOW we matter? what a joke! why didn't your guy pick Hillary

    was it too crazy too enlightened? too much change for him?!

    I was a Hillary supporter who is now voting McCain

    Voting for McCain before his pick and now he's confirmed my choice

    As far as what Hillary stands for why do you care? Obama didn't care and neither did the DNC! stop talking out your butt

    Country first party second!

  25. I agree with your points. He is undermining Hillary's run to be the first female President. McCain is shameful. Palin has NO experience and will bring nothing to the table.

  26. Have you read Palin's credentials? She is a female McCain. She is as much a maverick as he is. Male or female, she's a good pick.

  27. cee cee is correct.  he is pandering.  PALIN IS NO CLINTON.  this woman is voting obama.

  28. You have to remember who McCain thinks is smart: Bush, Cheney, Giuliani, guys like that.  He's not a very good judge of people's intelligence.

  29. True. And have you seen this video?

    Even she didn't think she was the most qualified candidate.

  30. Palin's approval rating PROVES that she appeals to more than women.

    Palin definitely appeals to conservatives.

    Palin definitely appeals to those who want someone who isn't afraid to go after people in her own party for reform.

    Palin definitely appeals to those who want the REAL deal, an outsider.

    Palin definitely appeals to those that value the 2nd amendment.

    Palin definitely appeals to those that do not want our energy options to be limited as we face the peak oil crisis.

    Palin definitely appeals to those who want to cut out pork projects.


    Start looking beyond her gender.

  31. There is no way that McCain would have chosen Pallin had Hillary not been in the race. The reason for this is simple: she exemplifies everything that mccain has criticized obama for. Now, while obama has not been in the senate for a long time, he has accomplished much in not only these last couple of years, but even more so in his time as a state senator and as a community organiser. What has pallin done? Nothing. Now, it is a good thing for someone to be not too ingrained into national politics, because you don't become corrupted by it. Pallin hasn't even been a part of national politics. Even in her own state, she has done next to nothing. In her time as mayor then governor, she has passed virtually no important legislation. This takes inexperience to the next level. And considering mccain's age, he is willing to hand the presidency over to someone who exemplifies everything his ads criticize? Even women who already support mccain should be offended by this move and shouldn't vote for him.

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