
How stupid does the US sound when it says Russia is a "bully"?

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How stupid does the US sound when it says Russia is a "bully"?





  2. ya,  your right what ever scum hole country your family immigrated from America should have left you all to die hu?  We may be bullys but we bully for fairness you F

  3. Why is it stupid, when it's a fact?

  4. Very stupid to anyone who has studied some Russian history. The more you know about history and culture, the more you understand the complexities that influence a nation.

    The U.S. needs to wake up and realize that in order to get along with your neighbors, the more you need to know where they are coming from.

  5. very


    Hi. Plz look at this: . It is video from FoxNews in live broadcast. There one girl with aunt tell about situation in Ossetia. They live in USA, but when the war happened, they were in Ossetia and saw all by themselves. I ask you about this because Youtube corrupt free speech and freeze counters and delete comments (just look dates of comments at the second page and so on). They say that if you have american IP you can't see it, but i don't know exactly. Anyway the title is: "Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells the Truth about Georgia".

    PS Fight for free speech!

    PPS Spread the word!

    PPPS If YouTube doesn't allow to see that video try to use this:

  6. Russia of population 140mil went up against a nation with 4.5 mil. Russia is a bully, I know you'll scream Iraq, but it took an awful lot of PR, lies and conjecture to get that machine into Iraq. Russia is a bully and America has paid its price for pushing its weight in the Middle East. If I lived in Georgia I wouldn't care hoist that star spangled banner high.  

  7. Maybe you should have read a few more articles..........the Russians were quoted as saying look at the Geogians they learned well from the away!!!!!!!  Do you like that better????  I would bet that you and alot more would RUN AWAY yelling BULLIES if they were to start here!  

  8. Do you even know a bit of history involved in that question? How about you look back at how Russia has treated it's own people. There was never a time when US citizens couldn't leave the US.

    Do you know what the USSR was? A collection of countries that were in Union with Russia, completely against their will.

    Ever heard of Lenin? Stalin? 100s of thousands murdered by them? Probably over a million?

    Can you contrast the US occupation with West Germany and Japan, to Russia's occupation of East Germany? How the people were treated and how the good of the people was considered?

    Do you refer to the war in Iraq? Where every single country in the UN security council has independent intelligence assessments concluding that Saddam was hiding WMD, and that he was an imminent threat to use it? Every single country, including Russia, China & France who were doing illegal oil deals with Saddam Housein? among others? That Saddam had broken 17 UN resolutions in a row? Any one of which was justification to remove him from power via the treaty he signed in leu of being removed in the 1st Gulf war when Iraq invaded and sacked Kuwait? When we had to remove them by fighting them, and spending billions of dollars?

    How stupid does the US sound you ask? How stupid does that question sound to anyone with a clue ... I ask.

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