
How stupid is the new FIFA rule?

by  |  earlier

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that the jersey doesnt show anymore the family name of the player...just the number.

that is very confusing




  1. What the h**l?! That's so lame.


    I never though I'd live to see the day this much of a stupid rule would come into play.

    What's next???!!! Handballs being allowed???!!!

  3. the  idiot Blatter is trying to invent a time machine and reverse all the progress that has been made in football since the last 30 years. It's not going to pass, but I can't wait 'til this idiot's term is over.

  4. It sucks

    But i'll still know which player is who because I know their numbers.

  5. Actually it's the German association who misunderstood the rule

    It states that the names are obligatory in tournaments and optional in qualifiers

  6. the sad part is that it is true, I was watching the Mexico vs Honduras WC Qualifying game and there wasn't a single player with their name on the back of the jersey

    man that is really stupid

  7. Watch American football instead.

  8. i dont see the purpose in that at all, its actually really stupid and confusing for a lot of people. Good thing i have my entire teams #'s memorized....

    obviously i know their faces too but soemtimes its hard to see who's who while they're playing, except for pirlo, i'd know his beautiful head of hair anywhere :D

    I wonder how the players feel about that?

  9. Are you sure it's not just a friendly thing? They can't do such thing! It must be a mistake! Maybe you misheard... it can't be! I'm going crazy here! It CAN'T be!!!  

  10. yes.

    imagine when referring to the players by their number saying "number 9 scored!!!"

    thats pretty lame

  11. Horrible Takes Away From the Jersey for sure =\

    FIFA's just Annoying  

  12. It is stupid !!!I hope they change their mind, I may agree if they don't let write nicknames or something else that is not the last name. The jerseys will not be the same without names like Ronaldo, Messi, Dos Santos, Guardado.

  13. I don't know about that. But if it's true, then it's extremely stupid. It's like going backwards to the old days where no names were displayed on the jerseys. Stupid.

  14. No, for friendlies it doesnt really matter, while for qualifiers its up to the association. But for major tournaments it is needed. Plus if you know who the player is theres no need for the name.

  15. R U SURE


    AND s**y PODOLSKIS 20

    AND s**y SHWEINIE 7


  16. Oh no!!! I realized that when I was watching one of the qualifying games but I never expected it to become a rule. that i have to memorize their numbers to their names. do you know why they implemented this rule?

  17. Actually, there will be names on players' jerseys as usual at the 2010 finals. This is from article 32 of the official tournament regulations, found on the FIFA website:

    "7. The player’s last name or popular name (or abbreviation) shall be affixed

    above the number on the back of the shirt and shall be clearly legible

    in accordance with the Equipment Regulations."

  18. What?? Are you sure about this? Where did you read it?

  19. That's pretty stupid; how the h**l will we know whose playing unless we memorize all those numbers!!!!!!!!!!

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