
How stupid will she think me for it ? ?

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i am enamoured by a female newsreader in a local TV network . i found her on facebook and sent her a nice decent note appreciating her work .... she wrote back same day appreciating my note and thanking me ... i wrote back ( the next day ) that i will write a note to her now and then and she need not reply if she did not want and not to think of me as a weird guy !! she wrote back again ( this was her second answer in 12 hours ) that she appreciated my messages and i was free to write to her ... ... i am 38 and live in india ( some indians .. me and her included are very westernized ) .. i do not want anything from her .. or meet her or any funny stuff ( i have too much of a " crush " to want to make her apprehensive of me ) .. is this A ) juvenile at my age to have a crush ..and ..B ) what would you think if you were the lady ? pls i need help .. i thought i was an old campaigner till this happened .... when the strong fall they fall hard .. i guess ....

i have had the crush for 6 months .. i wrote yesterday and today when i just had to have contact ..... even a few words with her !!!!

gee i am being so damned childish .... i could kick myself




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