
How *stupid* would it be if I packed up my bags and moved to Italy without going to college?

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I've thought about it since I was in middle school and as soon as I turned 18 I started making the arrangements. I have a Visa, a job at a hotel in Rome that requires me to start working the beginning of July, and I'm working out the arrangements with my future roommate.

I only have $9000 in my college fund, and I'm inclined to take that money to use it so I can get to Italy. With that being said, if I do use that money to move, I plan on returning every last cent to my parents.

I know that I might just be the most inconsiderate person on the planet and the worst daughter ever for not even telling my parents, but everything was going so ridiculously smooth that I wouldn't have been able to take it if they stopped me from doing something that I have been dreaming of for the last eight years. I can't even begin to explain how much moving to Italy means to me.

How stupid would I be to forget about college and just move to Italy? I do really want honest opinions.




  1. i say go for it!

    you know what you want to do, so do it.

    i plan on going and possibly moving to europe but once i'm done with college and all that fun stuff.

    have fun and good luck

  2. You'll be doing what you want to do. Good Luck! I wish I was that brave!!!!

  3. Go to Italy.

    Tell your parents that you're going to Italy to try out living in another culture for a while.  This will give you an expanded world view and many employers will look favorably on this experience.

    Also, have an exit plan.  Tell your parents that you'll re-evaluate attending college and will be considering it for next year.  Maybe you'll find an education opportunity in Rome.  Right now, you're not motivated for college, your dreams are elsewhere and you need to check out your other opportunities.

    Go.  Explore.  Grow.  Learn.

    That's definitely not being inconsiderate.

  4. You are only young once, and you only live once, so if you want to go to Italy, do it.  It's your life, live it like you want to live it.  How do you know you won't be a huge success there?  I hope you go and I hope you have a marvelous time.

  5. Ouch.  This is a tough one.  Well, to be cliche, if it's something that you terribly care for and wish to do it, do it.  Life is too short to not do what you dream of.

    That being said, I'd have to say that this is somewhat of a "stupid" idea.  You have no contacts in Italy (that I'm aware of) and possibly in all of Europe.  

    Nine thousand dollars is a lot of cash but it can go very quickly.  If you do go, plan to keep enough saved incase things go haywire and you need to make it back to the States.  Don't use it for anything other than a plane ticket!

    You have a job, which is good, but what about housing?  Where are you going to live?  How much does it cost?  I know you said that you're working out he deals with a roommate but what are you going to do if that doesn't work?  Or doesn't work as soon as you need it too?  July is VERY soon.

    What about food?  How much is that?  VISA is good but even that has limits, not to mention interest out of the wazoo.

    And you're not going to tell your parents?  That's bad.  You need to.  Just sit them down and have your whole game plan worked out (cost, job, housing, food, etc).  Explain it to them rationally and calmly.  Let them know that they can't stop you but you wanted them to know.

    Skipping college is also not a good idea.  You're probably not going to want to work at a hotel ALL you're life.  See if you can enroll at a local college in Italy, maybe not right away but in a year or so.  Mention that to your parents as well.

    Also, if you don't know Italian, or not enough to hold on a full conversation, it's not a good thing to go over there quite yet.  Yes, some people will know a considerable amount of English but you shouldn't use that like a crutch.

    Ultimately, it's up to you.  If you wanna go, go.  Don't let anything stop you.  If you don't, you'll always wonder how it all could have been.

    Good luck and best wishes in your travels.

  6. Just do it - but tell your parents - they don't need to worry that something sinister may have hapened to you.

    But life is far too short for regrets - go for it!  College will always be there!  Maybe you could look at studying in Italy?

  7. Not stupid at all. You're so passionate about it, so go for it! Whats life without risks?

  8. Why don't you come to Rome for studying? There are american universities here and you could attend them while working, it's probably going to be tough but if you really aim to have a future in Italy, studying is the best choice (pay attention, unemployment is a huge problem in this country! I have a degree and I work in a hotel too, so imagine what would it be if I hadn't studied). If you need infos you can contact me! good luck!

  9. Stupid is not the right word here---  Following your dreams is not stupid.  However, you have a lot to think about first.

    Before you make such a drastic move as moving to Italy, why not go to Italy for 3 months- you'd be considered a tourist.  just travel around and explore. See what it is like and whether or not  if you are going to like it.

    The life style is very different than it is in America. I have known many people who have had the same dreams as you and have gone to Italy or another foreign country  and have returned  because they missed their family, friends, and the life style was just to different from what they were accustomed to.

    Education is very important . As one of the posters said , get  at least your BA degree here in the USA  What do you want to do in life?  To get any well paying job anywhere in the world , you need an education.

    Have a sit down with your parents and explain to them what you would like to do.  Be honest with them. Do not just go and not tell them.  Maybe you can all agree on things together.  Always have a plan B if Plan A falls through. Moving to a foreign country is not easy.

    There are many things you have to do. There are rules and laws you need to check into.

    Have that sit down with your parents  and be honest about your desires. However, be open to what they have to say  as well.

    Good Luck

  10. Education is the big question here.  The second question is how you want to live for the rest of your life.  

    No college and no career means demeaning jobs and marginal existance FOREVER!  

    Education and a good career means nice homes, unlimited travel, good cars and great companions.  

    This seems like and easy question to me.  I did it kind of half hearted myself and recieved a minor degree.  I did not study hard and had no real plan in college.  Its one of my bigger regrets.  Education opens up the world.  You need to know about everything and I mean everything to take advantage and be successful.  

    A man was in south america on business and at a party.  the owner of the house had a little Bi-wing plane for the kids to play with in the back yard. Yeah, a real plane.  This guy was notorious for having people over from the international crowd.  the visitor asked about the airplane and was told that the owner had 3 of them in crates in a wharehouse left over from world war what ever.  The visitor asked if he could have them and the guy said sure. They were just taking up space. A token payment to a local charity and they were his.  They were Steerman airplanes and are considered to be one of the finest flying airplanes in the world.  How much are they worth?  Over 1 million apiece.  3 mil because he was educated and knowledgeable.  The other 400 people that had been in the back yard in the previous year did not go to college! They got drunk and never even knew that they had missed FU money!

    Get all the education you can possibly get. It pays and pays and pays and pays in so many amazing ways.

  11. i think that's a very bold and brave thing to do. it sounds amazing! you could always go to college later! you only have one life, live it up!

  12. Can't you just finish college as a backup plan and THEN move to Italy?  Or study abroad?

  13. what i did worked for my parents and myself. i am so in love with italy that i told them that i wanted to go to university in rome. they said it was fine, and now all 3 of us are satisfied because i'm happy where i am and i'm getting my degree. i think it would be good for you to get your degree though. there is the american university in rome... i would check it out. best of luck!

  14. Do BOTH!!  But do not substitute anything for college.  An education is the best thing on earth- you will enjoy life much more after being enlightened!

    Go to college in Italy or take a study abroad trip to Italy (like I did).  

    I think about Italy every day!! My dream, too, is to live in Italy.  But I need to finish my degree first.  So I have the possiblilty of a FUTURE there.

    Italy isn't going anywhere.  

    There are countless people who regret not going to college- get through it, paradise will be waiting for you, and you will be ready for it!!

  15. Hi!! How are you? I'm fine. I'm Italian! I want to tell you something about Italy...

    Italy is not a dream country like many people think. I'm not referring to stereotipes like mafia and so on. We have high prices for everything. The lowest salaries of Europe. Strong immigration. Lack of qualified job positions and so on. I've attended college for three year near Venice and now I'm going to live in Berlin. A lot of young italian simply can't stand Italy because here many are not open minded and so on..and the old italian don't think about the problems of younger generetion. That's the reason why a lot of people go to Barcelona, London or other big cities in Europe to work and live.  Maybe you could just take a break from your studies and find out by yourself how is to live in Italy like.You should talk about it with your parents telling them you want to work here for the summer for example. I hope you have understand what I wanted to say...forgive me for my bad english!!PS: With an american degree you could work easily everywhere in Europe! so think about it!

  16. What sort of job do you have, and what sort of visa, how long does it allow you to stay? It's very difficult for non-EU citizens to get work in Italy, so I'm a little surprised you've managed it.  You don't mention having a passport, do you have one?

  17. I say "go for it"'s your life and you only live can always go to college...lot's of people go to college later in life...

    live your dream sweetie...

  18. You have to think before taking that kind of action, What does Italy have to offer you, And think about this, Research schools in Italy, There are some d**n good ones, But also. It's going to be hard for you to just pack all your **** and move to Italy, It doesnt seem like you have the resources or the finances to start fresh.

  19. you would be pretty really need to go to college...if you move you will regret it fo the rest of your bein as honest as i can but please go to college..after you go to college you can move to italy..that will make your parents really happy..and in the long run you will be happy too..if you move and then decide to wanna go to college u wont it will be too late..go to college to get a good job and then move

    *hope this helps*

  20. Well. I think you should go to College here in America first so you can start out there good. The prices in Europe are more excessive there than here. I would recomend you at least get a bachelors degree so you have money when you get to Italy. You need to build your life before you move on.

  21. stay and go to the college !!!! it sounds funn the Italy  idea , but you want to be your entire life a person with an insignificant job ? you don't want more from your life ?manny teenagers do what you want to do , but listen the advice of your parents , even if you think they don't know nothing , it isn't true , be very carefully what you do with your life , when you'll gonna have 40 years what are you gonna do ?

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