
How successful was communism in creating a prosperous economy?

by Guest44635  |  earlier

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How successful was communism in creating a prosperous economy?




  1. It wasn't. Government regulation stymied business and quota/collectivization took efficient farms and turned them into inefficient farms.

    The question you ask is about prosperity, and capitalist nations generate a lot of wealth. However, I think the Bolshevik who answered is concerned with equity. Capitalism is not very good at that. GDP, and GDP growth rates are high in Capitalist nations because they give incentives for business and private individuals to invest in their own futures. Command systems have a central government agency do that for them. The decentralized, capitalist nation can adjust faster to changes in markets without any expensive planning.

    In many nations, there exists a very unpleasant distribution of income, but University of Wisconsin studies show even in an unequal nation like the US, very few who are born into poverty actually live their whole live in the lowest quintile of wealth. Communism seeks to redress these inequalities, but in the end, history has shown the cure worse than the disease.

  2. Zero. None. Nil. Ain't Happening...

    NewsFlash:  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) crashed and burned in 1989. The obvious answer to your question about the prosperity produced from Communism.

    That is why Communism only exists in a few countries in the 21st century. The vast majority have embraced capitalism as the economic engine to power themselves to prosperity.

  3. First of all, "communism" is a stage on economic development not yet achieved by humanity.You are talking about bureaucratized worker´s states ( Rusia, China, Vietnam, Cuba,Poland, Hungary, etc.).

    Even in these countries, they managed to get a superior development than in most of Capitalist countries.How are Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Egipt, Nigeria, Haiti, Bolivia,Israel, Malaysia,Philipines, Brazil, Chile, Pakistan, etc, etc, ( I can name hundred countries) all them Capitalist, doing in comparison?

    BTW, this world crisis is  helping us, Bolsheviks, a lot, Capitalism cant feed its slaves anymore,that is the best propaganda for us, and we will use it, you can bet...

    We are already fueling unrest all over the World using as an excuse this rampant food price.

    The door for us is open again.

  4. Those in charge were corrupt to say the least and took all the money for themselves. Communism will never work in that form,mainly because humans are greedy and selfish.

    It needs to be updated, with a more diplomatic approach instead of the more despot leaders Russia had.

  5. It didn't.

  6. Actually to begin with it was very successful. Russia experienced relative dynamism after the revolution.

    There were lots of other political and human rights problems though....

  7. Nil

  8. It would have been better without the corruption of western societies corrupting a few on top. The concept of communism is great, it is just almost impossible to implant.

    When kids starts to die in the US because of starvation, then people might start to get more involved together and fight against their corrupted leaders, to live better. People are not ready to live a depression without major changes later on.

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