
How sure can you know when love is true to your heart?

by Guest55763  |  earlier

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  1. When your heart is open, and your lover is behind you.

  2. What choo talkin bout, Willis?

  3. only you know. love comes from the heart and it won't lie to you. if you are vulnerable and just let any body into your life, you may think it's love but it might not be for the other person. you have to give love time to grow between two people and i mean at least six months and then evaluate what you two have and take it from there and remember love has nothing to do with s*x and infatuation those emotions are temporary and when there gone the only thing left is love and if there is no love then it wasn't meant to be and you'll know it wasn't true. love is a universal power and will conquer all obstacles in your life you just have to believe in it cause in my opinion it does exist

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