
How tall are bell pepper plants supposed to get?

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With the exception of a Mexibell plant, all of my pepper plants are only about 15-18 inches tall. They have been in the ground since April. Also, is there a site that gives info on how big plants are supposed to get?




  1. Plant height depends on the species/variety.  About 20 inches is average, but I've had some that get about 36 inches.....  If your package said they should be taller, or if you transplanted from pre-started from the store and the little stick thingy said they should be taller....well....sometimes the back of those things are printed for "average", not species specific; and then the front is run with the picture and name.

    If you DID buy them pre-started, and if you have heavy or clay soil; there is always the possibility that the root ball in that little plastic tray is having difficulty  spreading out.  The plant will only grow taller if the root ball is spreading wider.

    What's important  when guestimating the health of the plant isn't really the height of the plant...its the color and it's production.  If it's a healthy green, the leaves are shiny, it's's fine.  I've had a short little nothing plant produce pepper after pepper that I had to prop up because they were so huge that the plant couldn't support it!

    Now....if you are asking about height because of companion or square foot gardening planning for shadow, light etc....the Online Plantguide (dot) com can help.  You have to register,'s free!

  2. None of my bells are taller than two feet.  Who cares how tall they get, it's the productivity that matters.

  3. Your plants are about right. Twenty inches would be a good mature plant. Try watering more often.

  4. 15/24 inches is the norm.larger if you over fertilize them and if you do you get big plants and less veggies.if you grow in containers water daily if in the ground water 2/3 times a week in the Early morning that gives the plants time to dry out before it gets dark,wet plants at night are open to all kinds of insect damage and diseases.get dirty have fun in the garden!!!

  5. That sounds about right...all my sweet pepper varieties are about that height.

  6. mine are about 40" tall with lots of bell pepper,i planted around the 1st. of march,but i fertilize every 2 weeks with miracle grow tomato food,because i grow tomatoes next to them.

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