
How tall are the numbers on the back of the red sox home jersies?

by  |  earlier

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i have a home jersey and i'm getting numbers put on the back. i'm not sure that the woman who is doing it has ever done it before and i'm worried that she doesn't know what she's doing.




  1. I have an authentic customized Red Sox home jersey and the numbers on the back are approximately 6 inches in length from top to bottom.

    The numbers are in two color stitching. If I were you I would send your jersey to a company who can put the authentic numbers on the back. Try, I have had very much success with them. They're awesome!

    I hope this helps. Feel free to e-mail me if you need some more information.

  2. You should probably get numbers that are 5-6 inches long. Maybe show her a picture of the jerseys and explain not to put little ones on the jersey. Good luck.

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