
How tall are you and what is your shoe size? What is your gender?

by Guest31630  |  earlier

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I am writing a paper for my anthropology class. I am trying to find the correlation between height and shoe size. Given gender, what kind of factors are significant.




  1. if people are thin or fat makes a difference also.when i was 120 lbs-my shoe size was 6.when i was 185-my shoe size was a tight 8 or a loose 81/2.






  2. I am 5'7'', weigh about 120 pounds, and wear a men's 13 (US).  I am a male.

  3. I'm 5'8", male, 160 lbs, and wear a size 8 1/2.  Was there ANOTHER stat that you wanted, related to, um, "shoe size"? heh heh heh...

    Love Jack

  4. Male, 6'1", 12 (on average)

  5. I'm a 35 year old female, 5'7" tall, 130 pounds, size 8 feet.

  6. 5'8 female, measure 8.5 but a 9 feels better on my foot.

  7. 5'4" 7 1/2 (American shoe size, I know that not all countries have the same criteria for shoe size) and I'm female.

  8. I'm a 31 year old female stand 5'3 and 103 pounds and I'm from Italy.

  9. Hi, ok I am 5'5", size ten shoe and a girl. I am also white. 15.

  10. I'm a female 5'2 and my shoe size is in between 7 and 71/2 so i guess it's 7 1/4 (haha my friends have the same problem)

    17 by the way.

    and if your doing race/ethnicity too (it probably goes along with the shoe size) I'm Hispanic and Asian.

  11. I'm a female who is 5, 3 . And I wear size 7 shoes.And I'm 29 years old.

  12. 5'0

    6 shoe size


    age 24

  13. height: 5'6

    shoe size: 6- 6 1/2

    age: 16

    gender: female

    race: white

  14. I am 163 cm tall and wear a size 5 shoe. In south africa a no 5 shoe size is the size most women wear. That and a 6. Even in shoesales is it the shoe size that is always sold first.

  15. im a girl

    i am 5'4

    my shoe size is size 7 and a half.

    im 14.

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